Posted by Rob Yates · September 12, 2023 12:42 PM
Volume 3, Issue 12 | September 2023

"The Second Amendment is timeless for our Founders grasped that self-defense is three-fold: every free individual must protect themselves against the evil will of the man, the mob and the state." ― Tiffany Madison
In this Issue...
In our September 2023 issue, Ryan opens with a message of hope for where we are headed, while calling out the huge impact of state overreach on our daily lives. Following this, we get to meet Chelsea Kurtz, another one of our 2023 candidates who is fighting for your Liberty and needs your help. We share a couple of upcoming events that you can participate in, meet people, learn, teach, and advance the cause of Liberty.
Joshua Glawson notes N.C.'s decidedly anti-freedom history, and lauds the recent Cherokee decisions to move things back in the direction of Liberty. Rob Yates calls for a nuanced approach to uniparty candidates currently gaining traction on Liberty messaging. Trevor Miles reflects on the job of cop from the perspective of a Libertarian. We get to know Union County LP Joe Garcia a little better. Justin Hinckley takes a strong position in a home defense debate. And we share Susan Hogarth's new joint podcast on positivity.
Monthly message from the Chair of your Libertarian Party of North Carolina Executive Committee.
We have two big events coming up.
Don't miss these opportunities to get involved, meet Liberty-minded people, and have a great time.
NC State Fair 2023
Thu Oct 12, 2023 - Sun Oct 22, 2023
The NC State Fair is a major outreach event for the LPNC and our candidates. As thanks for helping out, we will give away a COMPLIMENTARY TICKET to enjoy the Fair! Come help table and talk to people about Liberty. It is one of our most anticipated events, as volunteers always have a great time.
Sign up here.
Freedom Fire Fest 2023
Come one, come all, and celebrate freedom in North Carolina at the second annual Freedom Fire Fest, hosted by the Cape Fear Libertarian Party. Socialize with like-minded people who are working for the same Liberty in our state as you. Meet local candidates, share ideas, participate in discussions, and then join in the festivities. The first Freedom Fire Fest was a blazing success!
Don't look back and wish you had been there!
Freedom Fire Fest Details and RSVP here
Timely ruminations, calls to action, extraordinary insights, and so much more in the articles featured in the Tar Heel Libertarian.
Members of your LPNC are doing big things around the state, and we capture it all right here. Check out Susan Hogarth's New Podcast with Liberty Dad that looks at the great work affiliates are doing around the country.
Liberty iNC
Your rights, all the time. Nothing more, nothing less, no exceptions. Simple as that.

Find all episodes here. Available on YouTube, Spotify, Rumble, Google Pods, and Prime.
All things second amendment from the LPNC's 2A issues liaison, Justin Hinckley. This month, he takes a side in a home defense debate.
This month, we catch up with Joe Garcia, Union County Chair.
Advertise with the Tar Heel
Have a business, blog, podcast, product, or service that you are interested in advertising to fellow libertarians? Reach out here for inquiries about ad space.
Support your Fellow Libertarians
The Tar Heel is honored to promote the endeavors of LPNC members. Check out Fox Knob Farm, for Libertaria-owned, heritage breed pastured pork. And then tune in to Dr. Dan's Freedom Forum Radio to set the mood for your delicious meal from Fox Knob.
Do you oppose the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals? Do you challenge the cult of the omnipotent state and wish to defend the rights of the individual? Are you already Libertarian, but you want to do more and you aren’t sure how? We are entirely dependent on the hard work and sacrifice of our dedicated volunteers. Here's your chance to join the team. Every little but makes a huge difference.
Managing Editor - Rob Yates, LPNC Communications Director
Staff Writer - Joshua D. Glawson, LPNC Strategic Communications Adviser
2A Editor - Justin Hinckley, LPNC Second Amendment Issues Coordinator

1 reaction
Posted by Rob Yates · August 31, 2023 9:51 PM
I slept outside the Day Resource Center for a night to try and get first-person perspective on the challenges experienced by those who spend every night on the streets.
by: Fayetteville City Council Candidate Justin Herbe
Last Sunday, in an effort to better understand the issues our city is experiencing with a growing unsheltered population, I slept outside the Day Resource Center in Fayetteville alongside ten other individuals, all of whom routinely live outdoors. It was an eye-opening experience, to say the least. Unnecessary government bureaucracy and responsibility avoidance has led to a homeless crisis within our city limits.
First off, I need to give a special thanks to Ms. Quancidine Hinson-Gribble and Mr. Joseph Wheeler, who organized the Sleep Out Fayetteville event. I saw many folks out there in support of the homeless throughout the night, and it did so much to give me hope for our future. I saw Carl Pringle, owner of Flip Flop sauce that is sold inside all our local Food Lion’s. He and his friend Michelle Ornelas, who was also present serving food, have a special ability to quietly live the ethos "do what you can where you can."
Personally, I am still undecided on the role a government, local or larger, should play in providing housing for people. This is a delicate issue where the problem is growing and resources are limited. People work hard to provide housing for their family. They have chosen to live in areas with higher property taxes in order for their children to go to better schools. Many have raised themselves up out of difficult situations with no handouts.
On the other side of the issue is the human cost and the reality of what I personally experienced. Over the course of the night, I had the chance to speak to several people and hear lots of personal stories about how they ended up living on the streets. Over and over again, what I heard was that they don’t want to be where they are. They did not ask to be homeless, and they need help. What absolutely broke my heart was the woman, 39 weeks pregnant, sleeping outside the center. Just past 11, her husband returned from his shift at the grocery, all his belongings in hand, gave her a hug and was able to sit and chat with her for about five minutes, until he had to leave for an eight-hour shift at the gas station, his second job. They don't get to spend much time together.
Read more
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Posted by Rob Yates · August 24, 2023 10:04 PM
War Reparations: A Choice for Taxpayers

Opinion by Phil Jacobson
Libertarianism opposes war conscription of all types. But it also advocates for freedom of choice.
In Part 1 of this discussion, which focused on the Ukraine War, I asserted that no conscripted government funds should be allocated to a war. I specifically called for an end to USA funding in support of Ukraine in its war with Russia without the consent of the taxpayers, voting with their tax dollars. If this were policy, the only taxed funds which could go to that war effort would be funds which had been deliberately allocated by individual taxpayers from their tax assessment. Tax payments from taxpayers who did not choose that option would no longer be available to fund the war.
While this policy would prevent any war funding from automatically coming from opponents of the war, it would not allow war opponents to reallocate their own taxes. War supporters would be able to send some or even all of their tax money to fund the war. I ended the first part of this discussion by asking if the idea of giving options to taxpayers be appropriate in other contexts.
In this, Part 2, I explore a policy proposal which grants an option, a choice, to taxpayers who oppose a war that the USA government has funded. Again, the proposal is very narrow, but in principle could be applied in other specific examples.
The rhetoric of many, if not most, who support the Ukrainian side in this war has included a demand that Russia withdraw completely from internationally recognized Ukrainian territory. There has also been a call by some for reparations. It is not clear that, given the stresses placed by the war on the Russian economy, a Russia which has ceased fighting and withdrawn from Ukraine could provide a lot of material or financial aid to a recovering Ukraine. But whether or not any effective aid program from Russia is established, there is no question that the USA government has assigned to Russia blame for the economic damage to Ukraine caused by the war.
Yet a similar claim might be made against the USA government itself with regard to the need for aid to Afghanistan to address the damage caused by USA military operations there, only recently ended. Similar claims against the USA government might also be made in other parts of the world.
Read the rest here.
1 reaction
Posted by Rob Yates · August 07, 2023 11:38 PM
Volume 4, Issue 11 | August 2023

"War is the extreme expression of division between people… but people are beguiled into this catastrophic trap by countless tiny steps of division. It begins way back in the virtuous little dissociations of oneself from the weaknesses that are all too evident in one’s neighbor." ― Philip Britts, Water at the Roots: Poems and Insights of a Visionary Farmer
In this Issue...
In our August 2023 issue, we start by highlighting the first group of our 2023 candidates. Ryan opines on the summertime and the Liberty candidates, and then we introduce you to five Libertarians running for local office in North Carolina who need your support.
Communications Director Rob Yates finishes his reflection on a year in the role. Joshua Glawson looks at some of the biggest areas of concern in NC and offers Libertarian solutions. Mike Ross ruminates on the recent Gubernatorial debate between him and Shannon Bray, and Thomas Hill shares his experience at an event in South Carolina feeding the hungry. Brunswick Chair Jennifer Bias tells us about a beach affiliate, Justin Hinckley exposes more anti-2A tyranny and puts out a call to action, and we spotlight a ranked choice voting event later this month.
Monthly message from the Chair of your Libertarian Party of North Carolina Executive Committee.
Timely ruminations, calls to action, extraordinary insights, and so much more in the articles featured in the Tar Heel Libertarian.
Members of your LPNC are doing big things around the state, and we capture it all right here. Check out Shannon Bray on Timcast, Mike Ross on Black Talk Radio, and David Hoesly in the Gaston Gazette.
Liberty iNC
Your rights, all the time. Nothing more, nothing less, no exceptions. Simple as that.

Find all episodes here. Available on YouTube, Spotify, Rumble, Google Pods, and Prime.
All things second amendment from the LPNC's 2A issues liaison, Justin Hinckley. This month, he dismantles a silly, old analogy.
This month, we catch up with Jennifer Bias, Brunswick County Chair.
PDF copy here as well
Advertise with the Tar Heel
Have a business, blog, podcast, product, or service that you are interested in advertising to fellow libertarians? Reach out here for inquiries about ad space.
Support your Fellow Libertarians
The Tar Heel is honored to promote the endeavors of LPNC members. Check out Fox Knob Farm, for Libertaria-owned, heritage breed pastured pork. And then tune in to Dr. Dan's Freedom Forum Radio to set the mood for your delicious meal from Fox Knob.
Do you oppose the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals? Do you challenge the cult of the omnipotent state and wish to defend the rights of the individual? Are you already Libertarian, but you want to do more and you aren’t sure how? We are entirely dependent on the hard work and sacrifice of our dedicated volunteers. Here's your chance to join the team. Every little but makes a huge difference.
Managing Editor - Rob Yates, LPNC Communications Director
Staff Writer - Joshua D. Glawson, LPNC Strategic Communications Adviser
2A Editor - Justin Hinckley, LPNC Second Amendment Issues Coordinator

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