Strategic Plan

The Libertarian Party of North Carolina is defining and focusing our efforts to achieve greater success in North Carolina politics. This is an exciting time for the LPNC. Our dedication to realizing a free, peaceful and prosperous North Carolina is striking a chord with people from the mountains to the coast.

Where do we focus our limited resources? How do we engage and motivate voters? What can we expect to accomplish, and by when? Those were the questions put to a select committee created a few months ago. And their report was eye-opening.

LPNC Strategic Plan PDF (Updated 2023)

Showing 5 reactions

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  • Gaurang Patel
    commented 2018-05-19 10:11:30 -0400
    Kerala Public Service Commission is also referred to as KPSC and has released many employment Opportunities in various departments.You can find the latest KPSC notifications for Recruitment 2018 on this page. Candidates who had been waiting for this notification have a good news with vacancies for many positions
  • Patty Mattos
    commented 2017-08-10 10:18:13 -0400
    I love coming and seeing how this blog has grown, your vision is incredible, as the friend said it is incredible that you have so much action. I think many vote for being supporters think that you have to understand that in order to have a better country you need a top government #government #life #people
  • Allen Hughes
    commented 2016-11-09 15:33:44 -0500
    I’m a big fan of these vision and mission statements. A lot of Americans cast major party votes this presidential election. However, we still have a nation that is deeply conflicted and torn. This a wonderful opportunity for the libertarian party to exploit this exigency and unify people at local levels. I think we can feasibly see a lot of local support from people who are disenfranchised from major party politics this year! We have a lot of work to do people!
  • Robert Terry
    commented 2015-02-06 13:36:54 -0500
    Although I do agree with much of the Libertarian platform, there are some points that I think are missing. This past election cycle I saw more emphasis on the national races and very little advertising on the local races. Forget Washington for the moment, we need more Libertarian concil members, mayors and sheriffs. The more people locally that see how the party operates, then congressional and senate seats will be held. We need to adress the small problems first and the bigger problems will be easier to handle.
  • Robert Terry
    followed this page 2015-02-06 13:36:49 -0500
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