The LPNC conducts much of its work via committees. The LPNC maintains a Slack members workspace, with specific Slack channels for each committee. Any LPNC member is welcome to observe and comment on any committee's proceedings. In order to observe or get involved, however, an LPNC member must join the LPNC Slack workspace. Any member is welcome to join the LPNC Slack workspace for any reason. To join please contact the LPNC Secretary.
If you are interested in serving on a committee, contact the LPNC Chair or the committee chair.
Bylaws and Convention Rules Committee
The Bylaws and Convention Rules Committee is established by the LPNC Bylaws. The State Chair appoints all members, with the approval of the Executive Committee. Members serve during the months leading up to an annual convention in odd-numbered years during which the LPNC Bylaws are formally considered for revisions.
Ryan Brown is the current chair. Members are: Sean Haugh, James Higgins, Phil Jacobson, and Stephen Sumner.
The committee can be contacted by email at [email protected].
Platform Committee
The Platform Committee is established by the LPNC Bylaws. The State Chair appoints all members, with the approval of the Executive Committee. Members serve during the months leading up to an annual convention in even-numbered years during which the LPNC Platform is formally considered for revisions.
This committee is not currently active and will not be activated until after the 2025 convention.
The committee can be contacted by email at [email protected].
Working Committees
Working committees are created by the Executive Committee as needed to carry out the work of the party.
The LPNC Convention Committee is charged with planning and executing the 2025 LPNC Convention. Rob Yates is the current chair. Members are: Ryan Brown, Angela Humphries, and Matthew Clements.
The LPNC Credentialing Committee is charged with credentialing delegates to the 2025 LPNC Convention. Members are: James Higgins and Susan Hogarth.
The LPNC Messaging Committee assists the communications director by giving feedback on editorial decisions. Members are: Mac Browder, Harvey Carpenter, Sean Haugh, Brad Hessel, Phil Jacobson, and Rob Yates.