Interested in Being a Libertarian Candidate?
What kind of candidate are you willing to be?
Are you running simply to give voters an alternate choice? Are you willing to:
- File the correct paperwork
- Answer all surveys and redirect volunteers
- No fundraising (other than paying filing fee)
Are you running to change hearts and minds one at a time through a moderately active campaign? Are you willing to:
- File correct paperwork
- Answer all surveys
- Do some block walking
- Participate in candidate forums
- Spend 4-10 hours per week on your campaign
Are you running to seriously challenge your opponent and potentially win? Are you willing to:
- File all correct paperwork
- Answer all surveys and questionnaires and participate in candidate forums
- Gather volunteers and staff
- Generate media attention
- Conduct a marketing campaign and make public appearances
- Do serious fundraising ($20k-200k)
- Spend 30-40 hours per week on your campaign
Candidate Support
Within the bounds of our resources, the Libertarian Party of North Carolina will support Libertarian candidates in these areas:
1. Allow candidates access to Nationbuilder database and provide I/T support in using the data.
2. Assist candidates in setting up and operating, at their expense, a Nationbuilder subnation website.
3. Assist candidates with social media and press relations.
4. Develop a clear, consistent Libertarian media message, based on our mission and vision statements, and encourage and assist candidates in adopting and promoting that message.
a. Develop issue papers on selected issues that support that message (i.e. education, electoral reform (ballot access), corporate welfare).
b. Possibly develop a joint Liberty (Legislative) Agenda.
c. Assist candidates in responding to surveys and questionnaires, and preparing for debates and public forums.
5. Promotional materials
a. Provide candidates with LP and LPNC literature & promotional materials.
b. Consider a mass purchase of signs and bumper stickers featuring our “People. not politics” tagline and a generic Vote Libertarian message.
6. Provide candidate training.
7. Encourage and assist candidates in adjoining districts in conducting joint campaigns.
8. Encourage and assist in arranging joint campaign appearances and events to include the Libertarian candidate for governor and U.S. Senate.
The level and intensity of this support would, of course, depending on what type of campaign they are running and what the LPNC resources are. It will also be important to note that we will not offer even the limited direct financial support we have in the past.
Candidate Resources
LPNC Branding
Libertarian candidates and affiliates are encouraged to use the LPNC logo and branding material. All we ask is that you follow some simple guidelines. Go here to download the branding guide, LPNC logo, and graphics,.
LPNC Candidate Resource Folder (Google Drive)
These three pamphlets are must-reads for any candidate or campaign manager:
LP Political Activist Manual (PDF)
LP Candidate Recruitment Manual (PDF)
Game Changing Libertarian Communications (PDF)
LP & LPNC Promo Materials
You can download PDFs of several brochures here. We have some of these materials, including How Can we Create A Free, Peaceful & Prosperous North Carolina, in stock. Contact the state chair.
Or go to the LP Store for material.
Inspirational Videos
Strike While the Ire is Hot - an analysis of voter demographics and voting trends in North Carolina by John Davis, an award-winning political analyst, presented to the 2015 LPNC Convention.
Show Up, Be Nice, Win! - Presentation Libertarian National Committee Chair Nick Sarwark to the 2015 LPNC Convention.
Working with the Media
There is also a series of fact sheets and guides for working with the media, that is, the "old" media (newspapers, TV, and radio) at Go here. Brian Irving is also available for advice and guidance on press relations.