Tar Heel Libertarian - April 2024

Volume 3, Issue 18 | April 2024

"I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his own way." -Robert Frost

In this Issue... 

Fools, eclipses, playoffs, drafts... April has it all, including lots in the political world. Starting with a bunch of freedom-hating traitors who voted to empower the federal government to spy on you without a warrant while giving themselves an exemption, followed by the ongoing protests at universities around our state, and capped off with a tragic shootout in Charlotte, this has been a wild month, and we have you covered.

Same as last month, I am getting to this late, and I am still looking for help with writing, editing, and HTML. The newsletter is top notch this month, though. Ryan starts us off reflecting on why we fight for Liberty. I give my thoughts on how the violence in my home city of Charlotte could have been avoided. The LPNC adopts a position on foreign wars, with a paper written by Steve Feldman and Phil Jacobson.

In Candidate's Corner, Shannon Bray, Gheorghe Cormos, and Matthew Kordon opine on the Sheetz lawsuit, the FISA vote failure by NC reps, and the nature of our responsibilities as Libertarians. Joshua Glawson continues his recent string of insightful articles, looking at ways for candidates to raise all-important funds. And first-time Tar Heel contributor Todd Pukanecz reflects on working the polls, something the LPNC is sorely lacking.

We round things off with a new Liberty Babes and a myriad examples of LP in NC. Enjoy!


From the Chair

Monthly message from the Chair of your Libertarian Party of North Carolina Executive Committee.

Featured Articles

Timely ruminations, calls to action, extraordinary insights, and so much more in the articles featured in the Tar Heel Libertarian.

Liberty Babes

LP in NC

Position Paper - Funding Foreign Wars and Israel and Palestine

Full April Edition


Liberty iNC - Season 4

Find all episodes here. Available on YouTube, Spotify, Rumble, Google Pods, and Prime.

Advertise with the Tar Heel

Have a business, blog, podcast, product, or service that you are interested in advertising to fellow libertarians? Reach out here for inquiries about ad space.

Support your Fellow Libertarians

The Tar Heel is honored to promote the endeavors of LPNC members. Purchase your firearm from our 2A Coordinator. Check out Fox Knob Farm, for Libertarian-owned, heritage breed pastured pork. And then tune in to Dr. Dan's Freedom Forum Radio to set the mood for your delicious meal from Fox Knob.    

 Get Involved

Do you oppose the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals? Do you challenge the cult of the omnipotent state and wish to defend the rights of the individual? Are you already Libertarian, but you want to do more and you aren’t sure how? We are entirely dependent on the hard work and sacrifice of our dedicated volunteers. Here's your chance to join the team. Every little but makes a huge difference.

Managing Editor - Rob Yates, LPNC Communications Director

Staff Writer - Joshua D. Glawson, LPNC Strategic Communications Adviser

2A Editor - Justin Hinckley, LPNC Second Amendment Issues Coordinator

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  • Rob Yates
    published this page in News 2024-04-30 23:43:49 -0400
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