March 2024 - From the Chair

I want to start off by wishing everyone who celebrates a Happy Easter! If you are a Christian like I am, it is by far the biggest holiday on the calendar and the foundation of our faith. If you are not, it is a wonderful story of the triumph of good over evil, freedom over tyranny, and life over death. I hope everyone experiences peace, happiness, and prosperity today and every day. In fact, I am dedicated to help work towards a future where we all have that opportunity.

Ah March… in like a lion, without question. Starting on March 5, when we had our first primary in a long time (congrats to Mike Ross on winning the candidacy, and thank you to both Mike and Shannon Bray for running brilliant Libertarian campaigns), we are now looking at potentially more than 50 Libertarian candidates running for office – federal, state, and local – by July.

Now much of NC is glued to televisions with North Carolina schools well represented in this year’s college championship tournament. App State didn’t quite make it this year, but I remain confident that we will be hoisting the trophy any year now…

That might sound a little crazy, but the real madness this March is that we continue to accept the over-reach of the uniparty. Just look at the primaries earlier this month. How many races involved Republican or Democrat candidates anointed for victory by the state party; how many potentially good candidates were ignored for their unwillingness to bend to red or blue orthodoxy; how many people have dropped out, announced candidacies, or faced a changed electorate based on gerrymandering?

We don’t live in a democracy. I am sick of hearing both parties scream about the need to protect something that disappeared long ago. Instead, we live in an oligarchy, where deep pockets carefully curate elected officials who represent their interests. Of course, there are exceptions, but they seem few and far between, and almost all those who win somehow eventually end up breaking down and joining the big club that we aren’t part of.

NC State is now in the Final Four, beating much-higher-ranked opponents by relying on relentless teamwork and a gritty set of performances where they left nothing unchallenged and gave it their all every second of every game. Our opponent is a machine that never stops. We have a chance to end the madness, but we need teamwork and a relentless focus on victory.

-Ryan Brown, LPNC Chair

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  • Steve Feldman
    commented 2024-04-02 14:51:47 -0400
    I’ve met a few politicians personally, and EVERY ONE OF THEM seemed to be a caring person who passionately wanted to do good and make life better for constituents. We do live in a democracy, and voters can choose candidates who the voters think have the best policies. Letting people live their lives as they choose without hurting others is a great foundation for good policies.
  • Rob yates
    published this page in From the Chair 2024-03-31 23:39:56 -0400
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