Who We Are

Executive Committee

The Libertarian Party of North Carolina Executive Committee is composed of the party officers and four at-large members elected or appointed in accordance with the LPNC Bylaws. The Executive Committee conducts party business during and between annual party conventions. 


Ryan Brown (Granville County)

Vice Chair

Sean Haugh (Durham County)


Barbara Howe (Granville County)

Assistant Treasurer

Mike Ross (Gaston County)


James Higgins (Mecklenburg County)

Assistant Secretary

Matthew Clements (Orange County)

Members At-Large

Nick Taylor (Nash County)

Mac Browder (Mecklenburg County)

Angela Humphries (Craven County)

Christina Aragues (Cumberland County)


Executive Director



Read the minutes from previous business meetings

Meeting Schedule

Check events for details on upcoming business meetings

Judicial Committee

The Judicial Committee is an independent standing committee of the LPNC. (See LPNC Bylaws Article VII). Members are elected during the annual convention. The Judicial Committee meets only when necessary. Contact the committee by contacting the committee chair, Ken Penkowski (Wake County). Members: Tom Bailey, Phil Jacobson, Sarah Brady, Steven J. DiFiore. The committee Rules of Appellate Procedure are here.

LPNC Bylaws

LPNC Convention Rules

Social Media

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LPofNC

Twitter: https://twitter.com/LPNC

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