Shannon Bray - April 2024

The recent lawsuit against Sheetz has sparked a debate about how businesses handle hiring while keeping public safety in mind.

by: Shannon Bray - Libertarian Candidate for Lieutenant Governor

Wawa and Sheetz, two prominent convenience store chains in Pennsylvania, have been engaged in a long-standing rivalry. This competition is often referred to as the "Wawa vs. Sheetz" conflict, with both brands having a strong presence in different parts of the state. The conflict is characterized by their expansion strategies, with each company attempting to gain a larger market share.

The recent move by Wawa to expand into central Pennsylvania, traditionally considered Sheetz territory, has heightened the rivalry between the two companies. This expansion is part of Wawa's broader plan to open 40 stores in central Pennsylvania in the next five years, which marks a significant move into Sheetz's domain.

Additionally, the lawsuit filed by the EEOC against Sheetz alleging hiring discrimination has added another layer to the conflict between the two companies.

The lawsuit is pushing Sheetz to meet a specific goal regarding the rate at which different ethnic groups are rejected based on criminal backgrounds. This could lead to higher costs for Sheetz and damage its reputation for safety, possibly even putting it out of business. Some people suspect there are corporate interests at play here, wanting to buy out Sheetz - a private company - and drive down its value.

It's important to tackle discrimination, but we also need to understand that businesses need to make smart choices about who they hire. Background checks give them important information about job applicants.

However, automatically rejecting candidates based solely on their criminal records could make inequality worse and make it harder for people to move up economically. Sheetz and other companies should have the freedom to look at each applicant's situation individually, considering things like the type of offense, efforts to change, and how much time has passed since the incident.

The legal obligation being imposed on Sheetz is to devise a high-cost strategy that leads to a specific representative outcome. The EEOC wants to enforce a vague standard that leads to a specific result, namely, that each ethnic classification should have the same criminal background rejection rate.

The lawsuit’s imposition of an outcome is a thinly veiled effort to put the company out of business by raising its hiring costs or by creating a reputational risk regarding public safety in its stores or both. We can’t dismiss the possibility that there are corporate interests that want to buy Sheetz’s family run business and want to raise costs, harm its reputation and lower its ultimate sale price with the help of government regulators.

It is also an absurd overreach by regulators, finding discrimination where there is little basis in fact or objective observation to justify such a claim.

All job seekers, regardless of their background, have a fair chance to compete. Ultimately, our social goal should be to strike a harmonious balance—one that respects individual rights, promotes justice, and safeguards public safety.

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Gheorghe Cormos - April 2024

100 Million Digital Souls for the Empire!

by: Gheorghe Cormos - candidate for U.S. Congress N.C. District 3

On January 24, 1972, the last Japanese soldier, still holding out from WWII, was found and brought in from his hideout in the hills of Guam. That in it of itself is eyebrow raising, how one man could be so disciplined to his warrior code. More interesting, however, was the documentary in which this gentleman explained his confusion, and perhaps dismay, upon returning to his home. He re-told that among citizens, the common greeting before he deployed was "100 million souls for the emperor," as it was the duty of every Patriot to give everything for the glory of Rome... I mean land of the Rising Sun.

Fast forward to April 16, 2024, and the headline reads "The House narrowly rejected a warrant requirement in a bill that reauthorizes FISA Section 702 for two years."A man can only help but wonder at this point, "What else for the glory of the Empire my Liege?"

It would seem that our ever-concerned, jealous, and loving Big Brother still yet sees danger and peril from which we helpless souls must be protected. Not that the world is all sunshine and rainbows. Turn on any anxiety inducing news media and you'll be brought right up to speed. The issue is that the list of "asks" from our overlords seems to never end (i.e., "two weeks to flatten the curve," "Saddam has WMDs so we must invade," "If we don’t bailout the banks, life as we know will end," "inflation is transitory..."). While at the same time, the list of rights, quite literally and explicitly written and provided for in the Bill of Rights, seems to diminish and fade into the nothingness of history and time.

As I sat dismayed and perplexed at the results, I was encouraged by one thought, surely, this is a representative democracy, and my Representative, NC-3 Greg Murphy (R), will come riding in at the last minute to save the day. Afterall, we both live in a rather conservative and freedom loving district. Surely, the policies which I have heard his political team, the good 'ol GOP, would agree, that asking the government to respect constitutionally guaranteed rights, was in fact, not that big of an ask from the voting peasantry, I mean citizenry.

Yet as I sit and file my taxes during yet another glorious tax season; and as I pay my car property taxes to support the empire; and as my home insurance costs increase; and as my county tax assessors year-after-year congratulate me with my home’s rising taxable value; ….

I raise my gaze upon a distant land,
Form where all power and edicts go forth,
Out of curiosity really, nothing grand,
I witnessed my Rep., valiantly clothed,
Mount an impressive tactical advance to the rear
Where it was a vote ending in 212-212,
And literally one vote the other way would have brought to all a little cheer,
Twas as if on the wind it was brought to me,
The battle cry, purportedly on my behalf you see,
and I thought I heard a voice demand:
"What orders from Mordor my Lord? What does the Eye command?"

Greg Murphy hates your freedom.

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Matthew Kordon - April 2024

As Principled Outsiders, We Have an Obligation to Settle Political Disagreements

by: Matthew Kordon - Candidate for NC House 11

I spoke with a Republican voter recently who believed that because Libertarians have won few state and federal elections, they accomplish nothing with their campaigns. I could list plenty of reasons why that is not true, but I have a novel argument you might not have heard: Libertarians have the capacity to be the ideal mediators of the political landscape, time and again.

Mediation can end decades of gridlock. Mediation by a neutral third party creates democratic and rhetorical pressure to move the dispute to a legalistic, rational, or at least voted on next step. It often puts parties on the path of agreement.

To understand why we have a de facto power to mediate, consider elections. Many NC races this year have a Libertarian, Republican, and Democrat. Whether fair or not, the general public and journalists think of our party as being squarely in between the duopoly. Thankfully, the public knows how independent and focused we are on the issues of liberty and equality, so they respect our unique vision for North Carolina. Our staying power causes us to loom large; some parties rise and fall like Icarus attempting to fly... but not us. A comment by a Libertarian on a dispute between the other two during, say, a debate shifts the weight of the conversation considerably. This might help explain why Libertarians are often said to win debates such as the one Mike Ross won by a landslide in February.

If we are not careful, this can backfire. Saying something contradicting, radical, or unpopular can have the effect of uniting our rivals against us. Worse still is if we forfeit the high ground by saying something dubious or disingenuous.

We hold this power even in races between one Republican and Democrat. If our state party puts out a press release, it has the potential to be seen by a faction of the left or right who agrees, and they can proudly tout it as evidence that their side is popular and logical whereas the other side is without unbiased company.

An example of this happening is my own race against my Republican opponent. Philip Hensley was debating two left-wing activists on the social media site X on April 9 for what was at least the second time. Responding to an expression of dislike for Christian practices as justification for not supporting Christian school vouchers, Hensley said:

At first his remarks were iffy; calling the person a "bigot" seemed to me like exaggeration. What BFB said in response was to point out that they would not side against other Jews, being Jewish. Admittedly, this helped retroactively vindicate Mr. Hensley for being critical of BFB, but what he then said was atrocious: "Exactly my point. Therefore you are Anti-Christian." The implication was that all Jews are bigoted towards Christians.

Disgusted, the other left-wing person screen-capped the exchange and declared Hensley to be an "antisemitic goon."

At best, Hensley's words were a Freudian slip that he only agreed with in the heat of the moment and blurted out awkwardly, and at worst, Mr. Hensley has an actual aversion to all Jewish people. This outcry got my attention so I shared the post and wrote:

Unbeknownst to me, what I reposted twisted the truth by making it look like Mr. Hensley was initially replying to something slightly different, further incriminating him. Spreading misinformation intentionally is deeply unethical and sinister, so MovingNCForward ought to be ashamed, but this is not about them. MNCF is not running for office, Hensley is.

You will notice that I called his remark "mildly" antisemitic and asked that he apologize, hinting to him that if he apologizes, it will restore his reputation to me and others. I saw it as giving him a way out of the situation, but this was also a test. If he didn't apologize, then he reveals himself to be not only antisemitic but also very stubborn. After all, how hard would it have been to say, "Fine. What I said was unintentionally in bad taste. I apologize to the Jewish community and want to return to the subject at hand"? Perhaps he thinks apologizing makes men look weak when instead it shows an ability to pause and exhibit reflection, empathy, and humility, traits necessary in leadership.

Instead, Hensley responded by exhibiting rotten character traits: fits of anger, mocking others, lying about me and more people, refusing to acknowledge any wrongdoing whatsoever, boasting about being able to outlast anyone in verbal argument, calling many different people "bigots" simply for disagreeing with him, refusing to help me clear his name out of spite, making fun of all Libertarians simply because he does not like me, and boasting that he gets more views on his posts than I do. Like Donald Trump, his strategy when someone points out a character flaw is to deny the character flaw and simultaneously flaunt bad behavior in their face to hide that he cares what they think of him.

Many left-wing users on X were overjoyed to see that I denounced his generalizations. It gave their view of him a seal of approval from someone of authority, doubly so when our state party backed my statement that his hate is unacceptable. Heck, the LPNC went further and suggested he drop out of the race (something Hensley had already demanded of me, which I laughed off).

So impressed were they of my conduct, that even though I handled the situation sternly, Biden-supporters spent the next few days saying nice things about me, clicking the heart button on my posts, and engaged me in earnest conversation in which they genuinely considered my Libertarian arguments! I cannot overstate what a huge, positive change that seemed to awaken in them. Although it feels too late to be an influence on Mr. Hensley, my conduct is winning the admiration of people on the other side. Perhaps as many as one hundred left-leaning residents of North Carolina have their opinion of Libertarians improved because of my actions.

Perhaps Representative Dahle was watching from the shadows and will likewise listen to my libertarian views with greater interest from now on, and, if she gets re-elected, perhaps she will be swayed on a few issues. I can tell Hensley will think twice before ever uttering something heinous publicly again, as he later deleted the antisemitic remarks to try to hide that he ever said them. It is not the apology I was hoping for on behalf of others, but it will do.

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Meet the Candidates - Christopher Sessions 2024

Meet Christopher Sessions, running for NC Senate District 10


Occupational Licensing

I advocate for reducing the regulatory burden on our citizens and businesses. Currently, our state ranks 8th in occupational licensing requirements, imposing unnecessary barriers to entry for professions such as alarm installers, sign language interpreters, barbers, and even floor sanders.

I propose a comprehensive review of professional licensing regulations in North Carolina to eliminate those that do not contribute to public safety. Many of these licenses merely serve to protect established interests, hinder competition, and drive up prices for consumers. By eliminating unnecessary licensing requirements, we can foster a more open and competitive market, allowing individuals to pursue their chosen professions without undue government interference.

Rank Choice Voting

Rank Choice Voting is a modern, innovative voting system that allows voters to rank their choices in order of preference. This system is designed to give voters more control over their vote and to ensure that the winning candidate has majority support. In North Carolina, Rank Choice Voting would ensure that all votes are counted, regardless of party affiliation, and that the winning candidate has the support of a majority of voters. This system would also make it easier for candidates to reach out to a wider range of voters, as it would be easier to build coalitions of support. Ultimately, Rank Choice Voting would help to create a more democratic and representative government in North Carolina.


As a Libertarian, I believe in body autonomy and that adults should be able to make their own decisions about what they put in their bodies. Unfortunately, I recognize that the legalization of drugs is not a realistic goal in North Carolina in the near future. Therefore, I prioritize efforts in areas where progress can be made:

Medical Marijuana:

As a veteran, I have witnessed the life-changing effects of marijuana on my family, friends, and fellow veterans. I advocate for the legalization of medical marijuana, recognizing its efficacy in pain management, PTSD, TBI treatment, and reducing prescription medication dependency. Individuals seeking relief should not face criminal penalties, and access to effective treatment should be a right without legal repercussions.

Recreational Marijuana:

I support the legalization of recreational marijuana in North Carolina. I believe that adults should have the right to make their own decisions about what substances they consume. I also believe that the state should not interfere with the personal choices of its citizens, and that the government should not be in the business of criminalizing adults for using a substance that 57% of North Carolinians support.

Drug Decriminalization

The criminalization of drug possession should be replaced with non-criminal citations. I believe that drug use should be treated as a health issue, not a criminal issue, and that resources should be allocated to providing treatment and support services for those struggling with addiction. I believe that criminalizing drug possession disproportionately affects minority communities and only serves to further entrench poverty and inequality.

Limiting the Governor's Emergency Authority:

We cannot allow a repeat of the tyranny experienced in 2020, where one person wielded unlimited emergency powers, essentially transforming themselves into a de facto dictator. Emergency powers are meant to address immediate crises, not to serve as a carte blanche for unchecked authority. It is crucial that we strike a balance between responding swiftly to emergencies and upholding the principles of our democracy. To achieve this, we must ensure that emergency powers are only utilized as a temporary measure until the legislature can convene to make informed and representative decisions.

Eliminate the State Income Tax:

I propose the elimination of state income tax to stimulate economic growth and individual prosperity. This move will attract businesses and skilled professionals, creating a more competitive and business-friendly environment. Individuals retaining more of their earnings will promote consumer spending and saving, contributing to a robust and dynamic local economy.

Facebook Link:


As a proud Libertarian, I know the odds are tough, but I'm committed to offering voters a choice beyond the two-party system. To spread the message of freedom, I need your support. Every donation to Sessions for NC Senate counts. Let's make a stand for a better future

Donation Link:

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Mike Ross - January 2024

Candidate for the LPNC Governor Nomination

I have made the case to you, North Carolina, many times, as to why I should be your next governor. I have met you face-to-face, through video, in debate, and out doing the work fighting for Liberty. 

The place I have met you that means the most to me is when we are standing together fighting against the overreach of the state and the oppression it inevitably brings against those who defy it or refuse to comply with the morality it wants to enforce. 

Over the last few years, I have led the charge seeking Justice for Joshua, pushing back against Gastonia cops who abused their power, assaulted homeless war veteran Joshua Rohrer - resulting in the death of his service dog. I kept showing up, at every rally and city council meeting, while the city fought to keep the body camera footage hidden for nine months until it could no longer affect the outcome of the trial. And I kept showing up after that, demanding accountability for the clear crimes and abuses of power shown on the body camera video. 

At the same time, the City of Gastonia leveraged the weapons at its disposal and shut down Pastor Moses Colbert's church where he let homeless people shelter and eat. Rohrer was one of the human beings who Pastor Moses was helping. When Pastor Moses spoke out against the police violence Joshua suffered, the city shut his ministry down, citing fire and safety violations. In the three years that Pastor Moses had been giving people shelter, no one had died on the streets of Gastonia from exposure. In the three winter months after the city shut him down, more than thirty people died on the streets.

Over the last three years, the LPNC has covered the actions of the City of Gastonia and Pastor Moses's fight against them in detail, but eventually, despite all of our attempts to comply with increasingly ridiculous requirements and demands from the city, the accrued fines were too much, and Pastor Moses was forced to shut down the shelter part of his ministry and consider a new approach. In a development that should surprise exactly no one, those people once again were out on the streets with no where to go

Despite their victory, the city is not content with turning people out on the streets to freeze to death. Apparently, they want to continue attacking Pastor Moses as he looks for ways, like overnight services, to help the most vulnerable avoid the frigid temperatures. 

The fire marshal has made several demands of Pastor Moses, all of them expensive, unnecessary, and authoritarian, doubling down on a city policy that is anti-homeless and unwilling to tolerate dissent or challenges to its power. Unfortunately, this is a legacy that has followed the City of Gastonia for decades.

The city did note that it has the Salvation Army as a resource, which can hold 64 people, four of whom can be men, according to the WSPA Spartanburg story linked above. There are estimated to be about 200 homeless people in Gastonia, and Pastor Moses had capacity for all of them. 

I say to you, North Carolina, it's time we say "no more!" I will lead the fight for Liberty, and make sure no one is criminalized for helping fellow humans, starting in Gastonia, and on through the rest of our beautiful state. 

We have two debates coming up, with details listed in this newsletter, as well as a speaking opportunity at the WakeLP convention. I hope you all take the chance to listen and get to know me, as I continue to share my vision for a free and prosperous North Carolina and my plan to get us there. 

And I also hope you are moved by Pastor Moses and his ministry, and can give a little something to help him.

I can't wait to meet the rest of you and be your champion for Liberty. 

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Bob Drach - January 2024

Candidate for North Carolina State Auditor

Get to know Bob Drach better.

Very nice to meet you all. I am Bob Drach, and I am your best choice for North Carolina's State Auditor. A former Certified Management Accountant, I know financial reporting, information systems and organizational leadership.


The State Auditor protects the citizens of North Carolina from abuses of power and instances of incompetence that unfortunately happen in government. Because the government is dominated by Republicans and Democrats, it would be unwise to have a Republican or a Democrat as the Auditor. (Unwise, as in a conflict of interest, the fox guarding the henhouse, and generally a bad idea. Major party voters who care about the integrity of the office can admit as much and should vote for me, while I am the clear choice for unaffiliated and third-party voters.)


I am a certified management accountant and former Treasurer, CFO, and CIO. I have earned multiple other professional certifications and taught in public schools. I am uniquely both a former Peace Corps volunteer and graduate of a highly competitive MBA program.


Throughout my career, I have exemplified the character, honesty, and diligence which make good organizations great. This is important right now for the Office of the State Auditor, rocked by the resignation of the prior elected auditor under a cloud of disgrace and with the unelected incumbent installed by the state political machine. 

As the State Auditor, I will focus on retaining the excellent audit staff while recruiting additional talent.  Continuity on key investigations is critical, while also emphasizing performance metrics that highlight both transparency and activity.

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Steve Feldman - January 2024

2024 Libertarian candidate for the U.S. Congress in NC’s 10th congressional district

We live in great times.

In many ways, we live in the best of times in human history, but it doesn’t always seem that way. In our culture, particularly among the major political parties, there’s a strong tendency to denigrate the motivations of the other, feeding an angry culture that leads, I believe, to discontent, conflict, and violence (and perhaps even to reduced life expectancy). We Libertarians tend to be more objective and can see that those who disagree with us are well meaning, too, but we are not totally immune to the siren song of denigrating others. 

A recent update touting Libertarians’ effort to defend our rights said, “The Uniparty serves its deep-pocketed masters, with no regard for suffering or death they cause as a result.” We shouldn’t be contributing to the culture of hostility with comments like this. People who are in other parties care deeply about all our citizens and about the people suffering in other countries. People in other parties just have different policy ideas about what will bring peace and security for all. I believe that Libertarian policies, rooted in respect for the individual rights of all and supporting peaceful means to achieve peace, are far more promising than the idea that inflicting violence on others will be the best means to achieve peace. However, I’m confident that everyone is well meaning (even and perhaps especially the most hawkish) and desires peace for themselves, for their children, and for others. 

Instead of denigrating others and instead of trying to use force to bring about peace, I support taking Jefferson’s approach to relationships with others, both here at home and abroad: peace, commerce, and honest friendship.

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Shannon Bray - My Vision for NC

by Shannon Bray
Candidate for the LPNC Governor Nomination

I believe the vast majority of North Carolinians are fed up with the juvenile performance art politics that many establishment party candidates engage in. I intend to address the issues that concern and affect our fellow citizens the most—the economy, education, healthcare, and electoral reform—in a civil and positive manner, without insulting my opponents (or their supporters).

The Economy. The way that individuals and businesses participate in our economy is strongly directed by taxation and regulation. To create the jobs and businesses of tomorrow, we must cut back on over-regulation and minimize taxation to encourage an innovative economic climate today.

Education. Giving students, families, and teachers greater choice is the best path to building successful lives, developing better learning environments, strengthening communities, and preparing North Carolina for the challenges ahead.

Healthcare. Healthcare options are a critical aspect of everyone’s life. To promote a healthcare system that achieves better outcomes, reaches more people, and makes care more affordable we must avoid government overreach.  

Electoral Reform. We need to reduce the intrusion of partisan politics into government affairs and make government at all levels more responsive to individual citizens. The single most effective thing we can do here is to take redistricting out of the hands of politicians—who for decades have been picking their own voters—and create an independent, non-partisan commission responsible for implementing the perfectly sound principles already enshrined in our state constitution. But I would also work to achieve fairness for independent voters—who despite outnumbering both Democrats and Republicans, are barred from serving on the Boards of Elections. And I would propose to enable municipalities and counties—where currently it is possible for a candidate whom 70 percent of voters reject to be elected—to utilize Instant Runoff Voting, thus ensuring that no one is elected without a majority of votes cast.

shannonbraync | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

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2023 Seen on the Trail

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My Police Ride Along

by: Justin Herbe, Fayetteville City Council District 5 Candidate

Recent publicity around negative police encounters has led to dramatically increased scrutiny of police departments in the U.S. That scrutiny has forced change in the way Policing is conducted. We need change, but not always. Since this increased scrutiny has occurred the Police Force garners little to no respect from the community while trying to improve with an Officer population that is young, inexperienced, and inundated with paperwork. Fayetteville needs non-biased law enforcement, and in order to accomplish this, the city needs Officers on the streets…Veteran Officers, not just Rookies straight out of the Police Academy.

I volunteered for a Police Ride Along so I could experience firsthand the situations that Officers and the Community deal with on a daily basis.  I had some pre-conceived notions of racial profiling, targeting homeless, and some big gruff bullying and intimidating Officers in my mind before I signed up, and I wanted to see if those ideas held weight or if our Police Force was non-biased and racially blind like they say they are. 

The night started out with foreboding thunder clouds moving towards the sector that we would be patrolling. The Central District encompasses a large area in the middle of the city, known for drugs, guns, and prostitution. It runs from Bonnie Doone in the North abutting Ft. Liberty, west to Skibo rd., heading east and south into Murray Hill, Haymount, and farther south into Douglas Byrd and Lakedale.  

The first stop was a triggered building alarm. By the time we arrived, the rain clouds were directly above us and it began to pour. We were drenched within seconds and began searching the perimeter of the building and determined it had probably been a weather-related issue that caused the alarm to get triggered. We searched high and low for any points of entry or broken windows and none were found. We jumped back into the squad car, turned off the A/C because being wet it quickly got cold. I was really hoping the entire night would not be like this.

Throughout the storm we continued the street patrol where we scanned license plates, checked registrations, and validated current driver’s licenses all from the comfort of the vehicle using the hood mounted cameras.  While driving on Raeford Rd., we noticed a car driving with its lights out.  The Officer turned his car around, began following the car into Haymount, scanned the license plates, noticed they were expired, and flashed the lights. He stopped the car, approached the driver, politely asked for her license, returned to his vehicle and ran the license through the computer systems. She already had a ticket for the registration and a court date so he decided not to give her another one, which would have compounded the bad situation, and he also decided just to give a warning for the headlights being off. The Officer told me he usually gives warnings for nearly all minor infractions. But this warning began what I will call a paper trail of documents throughout the night that will engulf the quiet moments in-between calls. The Officer will quite possibly miss opportunities where positive engagements could have been conducted. The traffic stop report was the easiest report of all to fill out but still took 10-15 minutes.

We drove around a little more and found some unsheltered individuals hanging around an abandoned Circle K. We pulled up, exited our vehicle, and began talking to the individuals. The three individuals who were standing there looked like they were living outside, and carrying everything that belonged to them. The Officer told them about the Day Resource Center that was now open at 128 King St., they were excited to hear this because they had not known about it. They even asked if there were any counseling services available at the Center. The conversation was amicable, I got to hear more about the homeless situation, and they learned about the resources at the Day Center.  It lasted about 15 minutes, but the paperwork took nearly twice that. One field contact sheet for each individual that he spoke with took 10 minutes to write out and link the individuals’ names together in the system. We reviewed their rap sheets and saw a long history of arrests, some more serious than others. It was concerning because I sympathized with them and could tell they needed help, but I did not know what kind of help they really needed. Drug counseling, maybe mental health counseling, just somewhere to go to get out of the rain would have easily helped them. But the Police are not a taxi service, nor do I want them to be.

We began the patrol again by driving through the back side of Wal-mart maybe trying to make another positive engagement where we could let more homeless know about the Day Resource Center and what it offers. The situation changed quickly…as we came from behind Wal-Mart, City Dispatch alerted us that there was a 9-1-1 call coming from the Wal-Mart parking lot. She said that a man called asking for help, that he was being chased by five individuals wearing hooded sweatshirts and armed with guns. The Police Officer, knowing I had previous military experience, had told me early this night that if there was ever a reason I might need to assist and get involved to do so. I acted like it was no big deal and said I could help out, but this wasn’t what I had in mind!!!

As we were searching for the store that the individual was being chased from, the individual actually saw us first and ran up to our car. He looked petrified, literally fearing for his life… I was wishing I had chosen to conduct a ride with somebody else that had backup or maybe another way to interdict like a K-9 unit before it coming down to a shoot-out in the O-K Corral. The Officer stepped out and asked the man if he was ok. He replied he was not… he was scared, and needed help. Obviously he needed help! He wanted protection because people were after him. The Officer spoke with him, let him know he was safe now. Nobody was chasing him, and he would be protected. The individual put himself on his cellphone microphone, speaking with his daughters who were crying for their father. 

A minute had passed and we had not found the men chasing him; another Officer arrived as back up and began towering over the individual. I was in shock and I thought to myself, “why are we not searching for the men who were chasing him?” These Officers are clearly misidentifying the issue at hand! Another minute goes by, the man is still on the phone with his kids while trying to talk to the Officers, he is scared, I am scared, he thinks his life is in danger, and I do too. He keeps pointing out the individuals who were chasing him, I look over there and see the men, yet the Officers refuse to chase down these people. The Police motto is Serve and Protect, why in this moment are we not doing that?

Trying to regain control of the situation, the Officer who I was riding along with, asks the man for his I.D. I do not know what he is trying to do, what on God’s green earth do you need someone’s I.D. for at this moment in time? He must really want to run his driver’s license and do more paperwork. Come on now, we have bad guys to catch! The guy refuses to comply, he says he has no I.D. and he is not from around here. Sounds legitimate to me, I believe the best course of action is to at least take him somewhere safe, drive him someplace away from the danger. The situation is getting tenser, I hear the girls on the phone screaming, the man is being questioned all the while, quite literally he was the one that called 9-1-1! 

The man has a black bag sitting beside himself on the curb, the Officer asks what’s inside the black bag and demands to see some I.D. The man pauses, looks at the bag, and reaches in. Within that moment… I consider my surroundings, there are 2 Officers within 3 feet of this man and myself another 2 feet away. I am sure if he pulls a gun out, he is going down no question, but he will get one of us as well.  Looks like this is going to be my first and last public ride along with the Cops. 

He reached in… and out came his brown wallet along with a bag of cocaine. We all saw it together at the same instance, the wallet flopped on the ground dropping loose change, dollar bills, and the drugs. He was handcuffed within an instant and placed under arrest. The Officers grabbed his black bag, placed it on the trunk of the car and pulled out 16 grams of Marijuana, 2 grams of cocaine, 1 crack rock, and a broken homemade zip gun that had already been used. My instincts had failed me…the Officer’s instincts had saved them.

We drove the individual to the County Jail and arrived at 8:08 PM, where we spent the majority of the rest of the night. It took three grueling hours to process the arrest in total. The incident report, and arrest report, probable cause affidavit, magistrate’s order, two intake forms, and two sets of pictures, one for the Warrant’s server and other a mugshot for the jail all needed to be completed. We left the Sherriff’s at 10:16 but we were not finished yet, we still had to drive to the Police Department in order to weigh and submit the evidence. But of course, each piece of evidence needs to be tagged and marked. The forms to fill out are just as exhausting, evidence voucher and tags, drug test request, and a felony investigation report for the District Attorney. The pain ended at 11 PM, nearly three hours to the minute after the arrival at the Sherriff’s. Let’s not forget to mention the other Officer involved, who most likely had to fill out his own incident report and collect the individual’s property and take it to the Police Station for safekeeping until his release.

Our current Police Department is understaffed by 52 Officers. The Officer I rode along with had a graduating class of 12 from the Police Academy back in January of 2022. Only six remain. They have gone to other towns, where the workload is easier, pay is greater, and their life is not in danger every single day. Daily, when running my City Council campaign, I’ve been telling people we must increase the Police Officer’s pay at least 30 percent, otherwise our Force will quickly look like those in Goodhue, Minnesota, or Enfield, NC where the Police Chief resigns because of poor pay and the entire PD follows after leaving the city with no protection. 

At the beginning of this shift during their shift change, I gave that same pitch to the entire squad. After I finished what I was saying, they smirked and laughed and said to me, “it’s already happening.” At the end of the night my Officer asked me how much money would it take for me to perform his job? I thought about it for a moment…how much would it take? I thought about it for a second longer and I replied back, “I would never do it.” God bless our Police and First Responders.

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