Gheorghe Cormos - Town of Cape Carteret Commissioner

I’m an immigrant from Romania who grew up hiking in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. In my early twenties I made the decision to serve my country and joined the US Navy as a linguist. After many TDYs and experiences, my wife and I, along with our two beautiful baby girls, now call the Crystal Coast home. From Camp Lejeune to Down East towards to the Outer Banks, we have simply fallen in love with the abundant natural beauty and friendly locals.

My motivation for civic participation is a direct result of alarming government overreach during Covid-19. We all observed incredible mental summersaults as government functionaries tripped over themselves as they lied, covered for each other, and came up with any and every excuse to keep the population in fear. The frustrating part is that our fearless leaders made Buku $$ all along with stock trades, patents, and campaign contributions in exchange for study grants. And let’s not forget the $7 trillion plus they simply printed and then preached about “transitory inflation.” The only surprise is that they have no fear of doing this openly.

As Cape Carteret Commissioner I will work to fight against intrusive government control over personal health choices. I will work to facilitate honest and open dialogue with our public educators to ensure that parents are the ultimate decision makers in their children’s lives and education. Lastly, I will actively resist government tendencies to persecute and imprison non-violent offenders.

Local civic engagement is the first line of defense. While the task is monumental, Freedom is worth the effort.

Come meet Gheorghe on Liberty iNC!

Learn more and donate at Gheorghe's website.

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  • Ryan Brown
    published this page in 2023 Candidates 2023-08-07 22:30:56 -0400