2023 Candidates

These dynamic Libertarian candidates are ready to bring the principles of liberty and limited government to the forefront of local politics in North Carolina. As we head into the fall 2023 local elections, they stand as strong advocates for individual rights and personal freedom at the community level. In the spirit of genuine grassroots change, we invite you to support these candidates in their quest to champion liberty at the local level. With your help, they will work tirelessly to engage with communities, bridge divides, and advocate for transparent and accountable local governance. By electing these principled candidates, we can ensure that the voice of the people is heard and that our communities become stronger, freer, and more prosperous places to call home. Join us in supporting these Libertarians as they become the catalysts for positive local change in North Carolina, creating a brighter future for all.

This page will be updated with more bios and more candidates as we get more information. Thank you for supporting these candidates!

Eric Rowell - Huntersville Town Commissioner

"I filed as a candidate for Huntersville Town Commissioner because I want to help Huntersville continue to be the best place to live in North Carolina. To that end, I'm committed to helping Huntersville towards:

  • Being the most transparent local government in the state.
  • Being fiscally responsible with taxpayer dollars.
  • Responsibly managing the inevitable growth that comes with living in such a desirable area.

I am asking for your support in November so we can make transparency and accountability a reality at Town Hall. As we continue to celebrate the town's 150th anniversary this year, let's work together to help Huntersville grow in the right direction over the next 150 years.

Please reach out to me anytime to discuss any issues impacting you here in Huntersville."

Eric Rowell
[email protected]


Rob Yates - City of Charlotte Mayor

Rob YAtes

As mayor of Charlotte, I will focus singularly on rooting out the backroom deals, manipulations, and favoritism that is making life here cost more for less in return. I will hold myself and everyone in the city government accountable, ensuring that we are achieving our goals and that those goals are good for the people of Charlotte. I will not accept failing our children as a standard. And I will relentlessly fight for your rights to live as you please without hurting others.

Check out Rob's website.

And give him a follow on the symbol formerly known as Twitter.


Travis Groo - Town of Holly Springs Town Council

Travis Groo is a principled and a self-motivated human, and a proud dad of two wonderful kids, who believes that hard work always pays off. He works towards a free, peaceful, and prosperous world where every individual has the opportunity to pursue their unique vision of a rewarding and enriching life. Groo is defending all of our freedoms, all of the time. He believes individual rights and private property should be securely protected and preserved for everyone.

Read more about Travis here.


Gheorghe Cormos - Town of Cape Carteret Commissioner

I’m an immigrant from Romania who grew up hiking in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. In my early twenties I made the decision to serve my country and joined the US Navy as a linguist. After many TDYs and experiences, my wife and I, along with our two beautiful baby girls, now call the Crystal Coast home. From Camp Lejeune to Down East towards to the Outer Banks, we have simply fallen in love with the abundant natural beauty and friendly locals.

Come meet Gheorghe on Liberty iNC here!

Read more about Gheorghe here.


Steven J. Difiore II - City of Charlotte City Council At-large

Chelsea Kurtz - Town of Holly Ridge Council Member

My name is Chelsea Kurtz, and I am running for Holly Ridge Town Council.

It's time to get back to basics. We need to assess the needs of our community, and take the steps to address those needs, not fall whim to the desires of the few.

Our little town requires more infrastructure, more commercial investment, and more residential growth to keep in pace with the growing community. But they must be done delicately, with a council that acts as a good steward of the people's tax money. 

Holly Ridge is in desperate need of town council members who aren’t afraid of the some of the "old establishment" members currently running our locality. 

As a mother of a young child and a local business owner, I stand for my fellow neighbors to serve them with humility, dedication, and integrity.

Read more about Chelsea here.


Greg Carpenter - Town of Liberty Town Commissioner
Andrew Kinzie - Town of Jamestown Town Council
Christopher Richardson - Town of Winfall Town Commissioner
Mitch Bridges - City of Shelby City Council Ward 06
Michael Saner - Town of Murfreesboro Council Member


Unfortunately, the following candidates did not win their primaries this year. The will not be on the ballot November 7th, 2023.

Justin Herbe - Fayetteville City Council District 5

I'm Justin Herbe, a new and fresh candidate for Fayetteville City Council District 5 in the Municipal Primary Election October 10,2023. US Army Retired Officier that has seen the city grow astronomically since 2019. We need transparent and effective new leadership that represents you!

This is our city and it's time to put the power back in the people's hands. Let our voices be heard and protect out God given liberties from government overburden.



J. J. Campbell - City of Durham City Council At-large

"People Are More Important"

I am a retired geophysicist, former dolphin trainer, helped start 2 non-profits including one that had me building power-generating playgrounds in Ghana, was an instructor on a tall ship built in 1877, and am currently an at-home dad raising my daughter and supporting my wife who is doing her residency at Duke. Our family motto is "because people are more important" and it is the perfect slogan for the way to run a city. All of our policies and laws should be guided by that principle.

I believe the people of Durham are the best people to decide what is best for them. My top priority is implementing Ranked Choice Voting, or something similar, in our city so that the people can have a better and more representative say in how our city is run.

An interesting fact about me: I flew in zero-gravity aboard NASA's "Weightless Wonder" as an undergrad working on a tractor beam.


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  • Ryan Brown
    published this page 2023-07-21 12:16:59 -0400