LP in NC (June 2023)
- Mike Ross, Libertarian Governor Candidate, on Dr. Dan's Freedom Forum Radio
- Published in the Gaston Gazette (text included, link is behind a paywall):
Apparently our rulers in local government failed elementary-school arithmetic.
They are proposing a county property tax rate of 0.61 and a city rate of 0.47, per $100 of assessed value.
Suppose you had a house assessed at $200k in 2022, and the assessment went up by 66% in 2023 (as mine did).
In 2022 you would have paid property tax of $1620 to the county and $1040 to the city.
But in 2023, our “leaders” say you’ll pay $2062 to the county and $1589 to the city, up 27% and 53% respectively, for a total tax bill increase of 37%. In
But of course our rulers aren’t stupid. Avaricious, yes; stupid, no.
So we COULD all be obedient little subjects, and continue to vote in Republicans and Democrats, ignoring Einstein’s line that the definition of insanity is
doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Or is it time to elect Libertarian Party candidates?
David Hoesly, Member of Gaston County Libertarian Party
LP in NC (May 2023)
Why Gold Is Such an Effective Weapon Against the Government's Monetary Scheme
LPNC Strategic Communications Adviser Joshua D. Glawson makes the case for gold as a hedge against government overreach in this article originally published for the Foundation for Economic Education.
LP in NC (April 2023)
LP in NC
OpEd: New Health Care Proposal Would Drive Up Costs for Patients, Employers
In an OpEd originally published in the North State Journal, Wake County Chair Travis Groo makes the case against new proposed health care legislation, HB 246. Groo argues that, while this bill is relatively low-profile in current public discourse, its impact would be significant, even compared to other legislation that gets more press. He highlights restrictive clauses in the bill that limit patient and provider options in choosing where and how they get their prescription drugs. Particularly against a backdrop of exploding health care costs, he argues strongly against government interference that chooses winners while driving up out-of-pocket expenses for North Carolinians, already cash strapped with property tax increases and inflation.
Mike Ross' Governor Campaign Earning Media Coverage
Steve Doyle of myfox8 Greensboro writes about Mike, his campaign, his announcement, and his Libertarian solutions to problems we are facing today. This story got picked up by several news outlets around the state.
LP in NC (March 2023)
North Carolina State of the State Libertarian Response
LPNC outgoing Chair Joe Garcia gives the Libertarian response to Governor Ray Cooper's State of the State address and Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson's Republican rebuttal.
LPNC Chair on the Pete Kaliner Show
LPNC newly elected Chair Ryan Brown joins the Pete Kaliner show to discuss the State of the State address, the LPNC live tweeting of the event, and all things Liberty in North Carolina.
A Libertarian Solution to U.S. Financing in the Russia-Ukraine War
The LPNC's very own Phil Jacobson has proposed a most Libertarian of solutions to the seemingly intractable situation in Ukraine, allowing for voluntary support of Ukraine and defense of Liberty worldwide without illicit tax, violations of principles, or promotion of aggression.
LP in NC (February 2023)
A Libertarian Solution to U.S. Financing in the Russia-Ukraine War
As the Russian assault on Ukraine drags on, and tensions escalate and spread far beyond the region, Libertarians find themselves torn. There are those who believe we should be supporting Ukraine no matter what, those who feel we need to get out of the conflict entirely, and many who embrace a range of more nuanced positions in between.
The LPNC's very own Phil Jacobson has proposed a most Libertarian of solutions, allowing for voluntary support of Ukraine and defense of Liberty worldwide without illicit tax, violations of principles, or promotion of aggression.
Phil, currently residing in Raleigh, NC, first began working with the Libertarian Party of North Carolina in the 1970s. He has been especially active since 1987, having served on the Executive Committee for several terms as an at-large member and twice as State Chair. He served on the Platform Committee for several terms. He has also written several Issue Papers for the party, alone and as a co-author.
LPNC Directors on Freedom Forum Radio
Dee Watson, LPNC Political and Public Policy Director, and Rob Yates, LPNC Communications Director, were guests on Dr. Dan's Freedom Forum Radio. The final segment of the four-part discussion airs on WJRB 95.1 FM and livestream on Saturday February 18, at 8 and 9:30 AM, and Sunday, February 19, at 2:30 and 7 PM. Following the conclusion of the four-part series, the entire discussion will be available to stream on Dr. Dan's Freedom Forum.
Ending North Carolina’s ABC system
Josh Glawson makes a strong case to end North Carolina's monopolisitic state-run Alcoholic Beverage Control and the associated archaic laws, which drive revenue to surrounding states, discourage tourism, and are antithetical to NC's freedom principles.
The free-market party should repeal price-gouging laws
Eric Rowell, long-time Liberty warrior and local Huntersville activist with a track record of success over a decade long, makes the case that the GOP needs to step up and repeal anti-free-market "price-gouging laws."
LPNC Communications Director with Addy Adds
LPNC Communications Director Rob Yates joins independent investigative journalist and author Addy Adds for a broad interview on the evolving political landscape in our country and in North Carolina, thoughts on recent news headlines, and some Libertarian solutions for social-scale problems.