LP in NC (July 2024)

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LP in NC (June 2024)

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LP in NC (May 2024)

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LP in NC (April 2024)

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LP in NC (February 2024)

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LP in NC (October 2023)

Congratulations to our very own Strategic Communications Adviser, Joshua Glawson, for being named a Top 25 Venerated Voices by Author by VettaFi ETF trends!


The LPNC's very own Susan Hogarth joins Liberty Dad for a weekly discussion on Sunday evenings, looking at the great work affiliates are doing around the country. 

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LP in NC (July 2023)

LP in NC

On July 4th, Americans observe—and, I hope, celebrate—Independence Day.

Independence is just that—dependence on no one else. Sure, the leftists (excuse me for being politically incorrect; I meant “progressives”) tout the term “interdependence” (which means, after all, “dependence”) but true independence means others are not forced to provide for your wants, nor are you forced to provide for theirs.

Voluntary trade, certainly. Adherence to contracts, certainly. But there should be no government involvement in transferring, by force, wealth from those who have earned it to those who have not (but who are usually politically well-connected).

Independence is a core tenet of Libertarianism, and one of the reasons I’m proud to be a member of the Libertarian Party of Gaston County!

David Hoesly, Member of Gaston County Libertarian Party

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LP in NC (September 2023)

The LPNC's very own Susan Hogarth joins Liberty Dad for a weekly discussion on Sunday evenings, looking at the great work affiliates are doing around the country. 

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LP in NC (August 2023)

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LP in NC (June 2023)

Apparently our rulers in local government failed elementary-school arithmetic.

They are proposing a county property tax rate of 0.61 and a city rate of 0.47, per $100 of assessed value.

Suppose you had a house assessed at $200k in 2022, and the assessment went up by 66% in 2023 (as mine did).

In 2022 you would have paid property tax of $1620 to the county and $1040 to the city.

But in 2023, our “leaders” say you’ll pay $2062 to the county and $1589 to the city, up 27% and 53% respectively, for a total tax bill increase of 37%. In


But of course our rulers aren’t stupid. Avaricious, yes; stupid, no.

So we COULD all be obedient little subjects, and continue to vote in Republicans and Democrats, ignoring Einstein’s line that the definition of insanity is

doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Or is it time to elect Libertarian Party candidates?

David Hoesly, Member of Gaston County Libertarian Party

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