LPNC to Conduct Independent Election System Source Code Review
RALEIGH (Dec. 28) – The Libertarian Party will conduct the first-ever independent review of the state’s election system software. State Chair Joseph Garcia invoked his authority under state law in a Dec. 21 letter to the State Board of Elections requesting to review and examine all source code for an electronic voting system made by vendor Election Systems & Software.
ES&S has systems in use in 93 North Carolina counties.
“This is not about litigating the 2020 election,” Garcia emphasized. “It’s about election system security. Cybersecurity experts worldwide have warned of the vulnerabilities and inconsistencies of electronic voting machines. Voter confidence in those systems has been steadily eroding. These systems must be evaluated independently and tested regularly,” he said.
Garcia appointed Dr. Duncan Buell, recently retired from the University of South Carolina Department of Computer Science and Engineering, as project lead for the code review team. Dr. Buell is also a former election official for Richland County, S.C.
Read more2022 LPNC Convention
Join the Libertarian Party of North Carolina in Clemmons, NC the weekend of March 4-6 for the 2022 LPNC Convention to celebrate Life Unmandated! Everyone wants to live their own life their own way, for their own needs, and according to their own values. Join us, the Libertarian Party of North Carolina, the only political party that leaves your life choices where they belong, with you!
Read moreUnion County Highway Cleanup
One of the most effective ways the Libertarians can make an impression is to be active in your local community with charitable and service projects like Adopt-A-Highway. Nine Union County Libertarians turned out for their highway cleanup last weekend. They picked up 14 bags of trash, including two bags of recyclables. Plus, they got to pose in front of their highway sign for this photo, taken by Union County and LPNC chair Joe Garcia.
Fund the Fed
Folks used to hearing libertarians rant on about the Federal government’s spendthrift ways were startled to see the Libertarian Party of North Carolina collecting money earmarked to pay down the national debt at the North Carolina State Fair this year.
“Of course, we oppose the mandatory income tax as a means of funding the Federal government,” explained volunteer Jonathan Hopper. “But if anyone wants to pony up their share of the debt that’s been run up prosecuting the failed War on Drugs, War on Poverty, War on Terror, bailing out banksters, and funding sundry corporate welfare programs, we’re fine with that.”
The initial donation on display at the booth is from the party itself. “We were considering arranging for extra security until someone pointed out that all the $100 bills are stage money,” said booth manager Brad Hessel.
“We do want every citizen to know their share of the debt is $86,765,” added Hessel. “And that includes kids, so if you are a parent with dependent children, be sure to include their share of the debt in your household budget calculations.”
“Well, actually, that $86,765 figure is from last Saturday,” added Hopper. It’s higher today.”