The 2021 LPNC Bylaws and Convention Rules Committee has completed its work. Please read their report here. It has also been posted on the LPNC Members Facebook Group for comment. The members of the committee were Tim Harris, chair (Craven County), Charles Lanahan, secretary (Buncombe County), Brian Irving (Wake County), Donald Reid Deal, (Davidson County), Phil Jacobson (Wake County), Denise Bukovan (Mecklenburg County), and Brent DeRidder (Pender County).
Here are the Cliff Notes:
Amendment 1: Disassociation Mechanism
Provides a process for the LPNC Executive Committee to suspend a member or association, pending final action by the next State Convention to expel them from the party. The individual will have the opportunity to defend themselves both before the EC and at the convention.
Amendment 2: LNC Delegate Election
Establishes a clearer and more workable framework for electing LPNC delegates to the Libertarian National Convention. Provides that only the LPNC State Convention may elect delegates, only those elected as alternate delegates be chosen to fill vacancies in delegate slots, and for the state convention to elect the delegation chair.
Amendment 3: Technical Corrections
Corrects errors in the bylaws and rules identified by the 2019 Bylaws and Convention Rules Committee in a June 2019 memo to the LPNC Executive Committee identified after the State Convention approved their recommendations.
Amendment 4: Judicial Committee
Requires Judicial Committee members to have been LPNC members for at least three (3) years, be registered Libertarians, and have served as a state or local affiliate executive committee member.
Amendment 5: Suspension of the Rules of Procedure
Removes the State Convention's authority to suspend the rules. The Democratic Rules of Order are sufficiently flexible and versatile to allow a body to conduct any business and make decisions by consent of a majority.
Amendment 6: Convention Definition
Clarifies that the State Convention can be held virtually and/or as a hybrid of virtual and in-person attendance.
Amendment 7: Remove Ex Officio Delegates
Eliminates ex-officio delegates to the State Convention.
Amendment 8: Open Meetings
Requires that all party members' official functions should be open to attendance (in person or virtual) by all party members unless extraordinary circumstances warrant an executive session.
Amendment 9: Presidential Electors
Sets up the process and procedure for nominating Presidential Electors at the State Convention, not currently in either the bylaws or convention rules.
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