County Corner October 2023

Candidate Meet-N-Greet Review

by: Trevor Miles, LPNC

On September 30, the Liberty movement in Northeastern North Carolina experienced a boon like never before. I had the pleasure of organizing the first candidate meet-n-greet in the area for the Libertarian Party of North Carolina, and had the honor of having gubernatorial candidate Mike Ross and Winfall Town Council candidate Chirstopher Richardson participate.

As a supporter of the Liberty movement, it was exciting to see a group of likeminded Libertarians come together to show support for candidates and discuss local and state level issues. As a resident of the area, it was nice to meet with fellow local libertarians to establish interpersonal connections, and to use those connections to build a coalition of voters to challenge the uniparty establishment in the area. #FiretheUniparty

It was also useful to be able to connect with the Mike Ross campaign and discuss public outreach tactics and skills that could be useful to helping any local candidates that might come along now or in the future, and I certainly enjoyed reaching across the intra-party caucus lines to discuss issues with a member of the Mises Caucus while being on the board of the Classical Liberal Caucus, and ultimately to help advance the Liberty movement as a whole.

In short, despite the turnout being somewhat small, I consider this event a success on several levels other than the number of people in attendance, and I look forward to hosting other events such as this in the future, in addition to our regular monthly affiliate meetups.


Freedom Fire Fest 2023 Review

by: Kim Acer

The Cape Fear Libertarian Party, a collaboration of Onslow, Pender, New Hanover, and Brunswick County affiliates, held “Freedom Fire Fest” on October 7. Although it was open to the public, this year's focus was on candidates and team building. The day began with local candidates Chelsea Kurtz (Holly Ridge Town Council) and Gheorghe Cormos (Town of Cape Carteret Commissioner). Participates then heard from both Shannon Bray and Mike Ross, who will be running in next year's gubernatorial primary. Presidential candidates Mike ter Maat and Jacob Hornberger closed out the afternoon session. The day also included a trivia contest, Cape Fear LP updates, "Liberty tea," and plenty of great food!

Later, attendees changed locations to enjoy an outdoor BBQ dinner. Participants were invited to "be the spark" as the evening bonfire was lit. The event brought opportunities to meet new faces and converse with old friends. Some camped overnight as well. 

The Cape Fear Libertarian Party would like to thank all those who joined us, and our wonderful volunteers, for making this event a success! We hope to see you next year!

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  • Rob Yates
    published this page in County Corner 2023-10-10 00:22:33 -0400
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