Join a Committee!
To serve on an LPNC committee, you should be a Party member. No other particular expertise is needed, and you may serve on more than one committee at a time. Currently we have openings for the following committees. Please contact Susan Hogarth at [email protected] or 919-906-2106 if you would like to be considered for one or more of these groups, or if you have any questions.
NC Libertarians renew call for redistricting reform in wake of Supreme Court decision
June 27, 2019 (RALEIGH) – The Libertarian Party of North Carolina (LPNC) reacted to today’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in Rucho et al. v. Common Cause et al.—in which the court declined to overturn partisan Congressional district maps in North Carolina and Maryland—by redoubling its commitment to the creation of an independent, nonpartisan, open, and transparent redistricting process.
Read moreHappy Independence Day! Happy Juneteenth!
Happy Independence Day!
It’s Juneteenth!
It may seem early to be celebrating Independence Day in America, but in fact today is the celebration of the liberation of African American slaves in Texas in 1865. Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. America’s political and economic separation from the tyranny of England, as fundamentally revolutionary as it was, represented just one step in a long process of moving from greater government control over the individual to respect for the rights of each man (and eventually even each woman) to do as he wished with his own property – including his own mind and body.
As far as we have come, we are still walking this path. True emancipation will come when no person or group of people can command others to do as they wish, to finance their projects, or to not do something that harms no one else. We are a long way from that day, but the fact that we can even recognize this as a goal is a measure of the real revolution in human thought – that each individual belongs to no one but him- or herself, and that no one has the right to rule over another.
So this month we will celebrate the emancipation of slaves from those holding them in bondage. Next month we will light up the skies to remember the revolution which excited the longing for emancipation in men’s hearts. And every day we should keep in mind these words of Frederick Douglass, who taught us that gaining and keeping our freedom is a perilous undertaking, but one worth the hardship:
If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.
2019 LPNC Convention Report
LPNC 2019 Convention Report
The 2019 Libertarian Party of North Carolina Convention took place over the May 31 - June 2 weekend at UNCW in Wilmington. Most delegates took the opportunity to lodge at the University housing (Belk Hall), where traditional Friday evening festivities took place.
On Saturday morning, delegates breakfasted, registered, and settled into Warwick Center to begin the first business session of the Convention. 59 delegates were credentialed. The meeting officials were: Chair Susan Hogarth, Vice Chair Brent DeRidder, Convention Secretary Reid Deal, and Parliamentarian John Underwood. After a brief address from the Chair the Bylaws Report was reviewed by the Body, with the report delivered by Brian Irving. All of the changes to the Bylaws and Convention Rules proposed by the Bylaws Committee were passed.