Libertarians Oppose More Restrictions on Voting Rights
Just when it didn't seem possible that North Carolina's election laws could get more restrictive, the Republican majority has come up with a massive bill that would make it even harder for people to vote. Using the excuse that they are trying to combat voter fraud, the Republicans want to perpetrate an even greater fraud on North Carolina voters under the guise of restoring "confidence in government."
Read moreLP: Republicans refuse to end Obamacare
When President Obama announced on July 2 that the employer mandate for Obamacare would be postponed for another year, he opened the door for one more Republican opportunity to repeal this destructive and costly program.
Big Government Republicans posture, pose, and pretend to cut destructive programs and harmful laws, but almost never vote to simply end them.
Why? Because they’re in the pocket of the medical-industrial complex, which includes pharmaceuticals, insurance companies, large incorporated hospital chains, government employees, and the American Medical Association.”
Burke LP meeting
The Libertarian Party of Burke County will be conducting their quarterly business meeting at Geppeto’s of Morganton Sunday, July 28 from 4 to 6 p.m. in the private dining room (601 S. Green Street). Agenda items include review of the by-laws, candidacy training, and campaign promotions. County-wide registered Libertarians are urged to attend. Contact info at Ginny at 828-707-1168 or Jonathan at 828-475-9803.
Executive Committee sets regional workshops
The Libertarian Party of North Carolina Executive Committee will be sponsoring a series of regional workshops around the state to conduct political campaign type activities.
These workshops will be held in addition to the committee’s business meetings.
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