Why We Must Defrost ICE

By Jeff Scott
Libertarian for Congress District 9

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, known as ICE, enforces immigration laws inside the country. It was established in 2003 under the Department of Homeland Security. The federal government deported illegal immigrants before that, but it was done under the federal Department of Justice.

Over time, taxpayers have had to foot the bill for this wave of deportation in the wake of 9/11. The immigration enforcement budget has grown since then and exceeds the budgets of all federal criminal law enforcement agencies combined. 
We can maintain the ability to deport serious criminals and national security threats without ICE.

I am the only candidate for Congress in District 9 who proposes to eliminate ICE and end the aggressive and unconstitutional tactics they employ.

It’s hard for the average voter to consider what actual threats we face. Not every violation of immigration law is a criminal offense. Our intolerance of civil violations has increased. Yet, there is no evidence the immigrant population is committing crimes at a greater rate than the general population.

The fear of immigrants is out of proportion to the facts. We know that the U.S. has the largest per capita incarceration rate in the world. It’s fair to ask if our country is seeking to blame groups like immigrants for the ills of our society.

The worst threat to American taxpayers and economic prosperity is runaway spending. Washington DC insiders benefit while vulnerable populations, such as immigrants, suffer harsh financial and legal penalties, not to mention constant fear that their family lives could be permanently disrupted for a minor infraction.

The DHS fear campaign against immigrants has now merged with the fear of election hacking in North Carolina. The DHS has reached a new level of hysteria in their goal for more tax rip-offs and intrusions.

For two years, they promoted an absurd account of election hacking to benefit themselves and their insiders. They compiled a report with vague assertions about how Russians “could have” targeted voter websites. State officials, to their credit, pushed back. Now we understand that the hacking claims are virtually all speculative. But why?

The DHS wants to take over state and local voter registration. It wants to establish itself as the leader in national cybersecurity, so it concocted a plan to call these alleged hacked voter systems “critical infrastructure.” Such a change in definition would allow them to take over voter systems even if the Congress never intended that to happen in the broad post 9/11 security authorizations.

Now ICE is on a fervent rampage in our state, demanding ballots in 44 counties of Eastern North Carolina. This is a naked act of voter intimidation and likely the start of a long legal fight. I stand with election officials to keep their integrity and not give in to the Feds. They are motivated by easy tax dollars, crony benefits, voter suppression and irrational fear of immigrants.

The Republican and Democratic party candidates want to surrender state sovereignty over North Carolina voting to Washington DC.

Not me.

Si usted es un ciudadano, no tema votar. ¡Es su derecho!

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