Anti-War resources

Did you catch our chair, Ryan Brown, on the Pete Kaliner show today? He didn't get a chance to plug all his anti-war resources, but we've got them here!


  2. The Libertarian Institute:
  3. Defend the Guard:
  4. What I Know and What I Don’t — War, Russia and Ukraine, and the Moral High Ground, By Rob Yates:
  5. WAR IS A RACKET, by SMEDLEY D. BUTLER, Major General, United States Marines:


  1. Antiwar News With Dave DeCamp:
  2. The Scott Horton Show:

Showing 2 reactions

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  • Brad Hessel
    commented 2023-11-13 13:37:58 -0500
    Excellent compendium!
  • Ryan Brown
    published this page in News 2023-10-12 14:54:12 -0400
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