Posted by Ryan Brown · December 16, 2023 8:00 AM

RALEIGH (Dec. 16) - The 2024 election season has officially kicked off and the Libertarian Party of North Carolina (LPNC) has mobilized to give voters a chance to choose prosperity and Liberty. This December, 46 Libertarian candidates filed for 44 races, ranging from the highest office in North Carolina to a number of local elections. There will be two NC Libertarian primaries this year, in addition to the presidential preference poll. Ryan Brown, Chair of the LPNC, said, “It is easy to be proud of what we accomplished today, and we are happy with the results. But I am much more proud of the hard work all our staff and volunteers have put in for months. They built the foundation, and getting these candidates filed is just the first step.
“North Carolinians are sick of partisan fighting. They’re sick of outrageous inflation and the disappearing power of their paychecks. They’re sick of political gamesmanship while their rights are dismissed by people who claim to be our leaders. North Carolina is at a breaking point and Liberty is the only way out. I am honored and humbled to be able to serve this amazing field of candidates, and North Carolina is lucky to have them fighting for us.”
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Posted by Rob Yates · November 14, 2023 12:49 AM
Volume 3, Issue 14 | November 2023

Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies. ― Ernest Benn
In this Issue...
In our November 2023 issue, Ryan pauses to thank the people that keep the party moving forward - the candidates, the volunteers, the donors, the voters, and all Liberty warriors who give of themselves with no expectation of a reward. We put out a call for candidates for next year; even though this election just ended, filing for 2024 is right around the corner. And we take a moment to celebrate the joy of the 2023 campaign season.
Joshua Glawson calls into question who is allowed to counterfeit money. Rob Yates reflects on running for office. Justin Hinckley debunks some of the most egregiously spread and accepted myths about mass shootings. And we have a lot coming up, including conventions, town halls, delegates, and more, all in this issue.
Monthly message from the Chair of your Libertarian Party of North Carolina Executive Committee.
2024 Candidates Filing Starts Soon
Get Ready for the 2024 Election Season!
The 2023 elections are now behind us, but 2024 has even more opportunities for Libertarians. In the 2024 election season we have the opportunity to run a multitude of candidates for the state legislature. State Legislature races have a filing fee of only $140 and gives candidates the opportunity to message at forums and on surveys. There are also opportunities to run in statewide races and congressional races. The filing fee in these races is approximately 1% of the annual salary.
The LPNC will provide space on their webpage for all candidates, and have a MatterMost channel for candidates to coordinate and discuss surveys. The LPNC will also assist candidates with other issues they may have.
If you are interested in running and live in an affiliated county then please contact your county Executive Committee and copy [email protected]. If you are an unaffiliated county please email [email protected] by December 1 so we can coordinate on filling in gaps in the candidates slate.
- The candidate filing period for the statewide 2024 primary elections begins at noon on Monday, Dec. 4, 2023, and ends at noon Friday, Dec. 15, 2023.
The NCSBE filing information is here.
The NC State Legislature has redrawn the districts. Current maps can be found here
Timely ruminations, calls to action, extraordinary insights, and so much more in the articles featured in the Tar Heel Libertarian.
Becoming a Delegate for State and National Conventions
If you are not registered to vote with another political party then you are eligible to become a member of the LPNC. You can look up the criteria to be a member at: Join the Libertarian Party of North Carolina (
NC residents who have been a member of the party for 30 days are eligible to be delegates or alternates to the NC State Convention February 17th. 2024 LPNC Convention
The NC convention will elect delegates to the national convention in DC. Libertarian National Convention 2024 | Libertarian Party (
If you have questions about this process please contact [email protected].
Liberty iNC - Season 3

Find all episodes here. Available on YouTube, Spotify, Rumble, Google Pods, and Prime.
All things second amendment from the LPNC's 2A issues liaison, Justin Hinckley. This month, Justin debunks the most egregious mass shooting myths.
Advertise with the Tar Heel
Have a business, blog, podcast, product, or service that you are interested in advertising to fellow libertarians? Reach out here for inquiries about ad space.
Support your Fellow Libertarians
The Tar Heel is honored to promote the endeavors of LPNC members. Purchase your firearm from our 2A Coordinator. Check out Fox Knob Farm, for Libertarian-owned, heritage breed pastured pork. And then tune in to Dr. Dan's Freedom Forum Radio to set the mood for your delicious meal from Fox Knob.
Do you oppose the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals? Do you challenge the cult of the omnipotent state and wish to defend the rights of the individual? Are you already Libertarian, but you want to do more and you aren’t sure how? We are entirely dependent on the hard work and sacrifice of our dedicated volunteers. Here's your chance to join the team. Every little but makes a huge difference.
Managing Editor - Rob Yates, LPNC Communications Director
Staff Writer - Joshua D. Glawson, LPNC Strategic Communications Adviser
2A Editor - Justin Hinckley, LPNC Second Amendment Issues Coordinator

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Posted by Ryan Brown · October 12, 2023 2:54 PM
2 reactions
Posted by Rob Yates · October 10, 2023 4:22 PM
Volume 3, Issue 13 | October 2023

“The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.” ― Elie Wiesel
In this Issue...
In our October 2023 issue, Ryan opens with a plea for peace and a call for Liberty, as we all mourn collectively for lives lost in Israel, Gaza, and around the world to war. We take a look at two more of our 2023 candidates who appeared on Liberty iNC. We make our first official public announcement about 2024 NC State Convention. And we get a summary of two events that took place recently.
Joshua Glawson keeps his hot streak going with a look at the Liberty that stems from the founding of North Carolina, and also gets recognition for his writing. Rob Yates defends Columbus Day. Justin Herbe rides along with the police. And Andy Stevens provides his rebuttal to Justin Hinckley's argument last month, as the battle for self-defense supremacy rages on.
Monthly message from the Chair of your Libertarian Party of North Carolina Executive Committee.
See two of our candidates on Liberty iNC this week.
Timely ruminations, calls to action, extraordinary insights, and so much more in the articles featured in the Tar Heel Libertarian.
Members of your LPNC are doing big things around the state, and we capture it all right here. Joshua Glawson makes a top writers list. And check out Susan Hogarth's Podcast with Liberty Dad that looks at the great work affiliates are doing around the country.
Liberty iNC
Your rights, all the time. Nothing more, nothing less, no exceptions. Simple as that.

Find all episodes here. Available on YouTube, Spotify, Rumble, Google Pods, and Prime.
2024 LPNC State Convention
Join us in 2024 and let freedom flourish!
All things second amendment from the LPNC's 2A issues liaison, Justin Hinckley. This month, GRNC's Andy Stevens guest authors "Shotguns are Weapons from Hell, So Use 'Em to Send the Bad Guys There."
Meet the Candidates Event and Freedom Fire Fest Recaps.
Advertise with the Tar Heel
Have a business, blog, podcast, product, or service that you are interested in advertising to fellow libertarians? Reach out here for inquiries about ad space.
Support your Fellow Libertarians
The Tar Heel is honored to promote the endeavors of LPNC members. Check out Fox Knob Farm, for Libertaria-owned, heritage breed pastured pork. And then tune in to Dr. Dan's Freedom Forum Radio to set the mood for your delicious meal from Fox Knob.
Do you oppose the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals? Do you challenge the cult of the omnipotent state and wish to defend the rights of the individual? Are you already Libertarian, but you want to do more and you aren’t sure how? We are entirely dependent on the hard work and sacrifice of our dedicated volunteers. Here's your chance to join the team. Every little but makes a huge difference.
Managing Editor - Rob Yates, LPNC Communications Director
Staff Writer - Joshua D. Glawson, LPNC Strategic Communications Adviser
2A Editor - Justin Hinckley, LPNC Second Amendment Issues Coordinator

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