Adding a plank supporting an independent, non-partisan redistricting process was one of the changes made to the LPNC platform at the 2014 state convention.
The new plank reads:
Voters should choose their legislators, not the other way around. We support a redistricting process conducted by an independent, non-partisan agency for all local, state, and federal electoral districts. The process should be open and transparent. It should involve significant public input with the opportunity for citizens to weigh in on proposed district maps.
Party registration, voting history data, and the incumbent’s place of residence should not be used to create the districts.
“The Republican and Democratic parties have shown by their past performances that they are more interested in preserving their political power and guaranteeing retention of their office holders than they are in bringing about truly representative government,” the committee said in its report.
The convention also adopted recommendations to revise the plank Democracy, changing the title to Ballot Access and adding a second plank Representative Government calling for “a proportional representation electoral system for the state legislature in order to better reflect the diversity of voter opinions.”
The convention also adopted recommendations to revise the plank Democracy, changing the title to Ballot Access and adding a second plank Representative Government calling for a proportional representation electoral system for the state legislature in order to better reflect the diversity of voter opinions.
The Platform Committee's first recommendation was to reappoint the committee soon after the convention and have it undertake a comprehensive review of the party platform.
At the executive committee meeting following the convention, Barbara Howe was appointed to chair the platform committee and recruit members for the project. If you are interested in serving, please contact Barbara at [email protected].
The revised Immigration plank calls for North Carolina officials to refuse to cooperate with or assist federal officials “in enforcing federal laws which infringe on the liberty of travel, residence, and employment” of any person.
The approved revision to the War on Drugs plank calls for the immediate legalization of marijuana production and use for medical and recreational purposes as a first step toward lifting all drug prohibitions.
The Environment and Pollution planks were also revised and combined.
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