Liberty Survey 2024 - Christopher Sessions

2024 Liberty Survey - Candidate Response


Christopher Sessions 9/3/2024 NC Senate District 10 Libertarian Chris Sessions for Senate


Economic Freedom

Do you support reducing or eliminating state taxes on income, property, and sales to enhance economic freedom for individuals and businesses in North Carolina?
Heavily reduce taxation, including repeal of some/all state taxes
Do you support abolishing the state income tax and replacing it with a consumption-based tax system?
Strongly Support
Do you support reducing state government spending and opposing any new debt, ensuring that government lives within its means?
Strongly Support
Do you support significantly reducing or eliminating occupational licensing restrictions in North Carolina
Strongly Support
Do you support policies that make it easier for non-violent immigrants to live and work in North Carolina legally, without unnecessary government restrictions?


Role of Government

Do you support reducing government regulations on businesses, allowing for more innovation, competition, and job creation in North Carolina?
Strongly Support
Do you support ending corporate welfare and government subsidies to private businesses, allowing the free market to determine winners and losers?
Strongly Support
Do you support eliminating statutory protections for polluters and other bad actors who damage the environment, opening them up to liability for their actions?
Do you support expanding healthcare freedom by reducing government mandates, deregulation, repealing Certificate of Need laws, and allowing for more competition in the healthcare market?
Strongly Support
Do you support market-based solutions to environmental issues, rather than government mandates, to encourage conservation and sustainability?
Do you support increasing government transparency by making all government operations, including budgets and decision-making processes, more accessible to the public?
Strongly Support
Do you support elected officials being able to arbitrarily determine what documents are exempt from public records request and can be destroyed at will?
Strongly Oppose
Do you support reducing barriers for third-party and independent candidates to gain ballot access in North Carolina?
Strongly Support
Do you support measures that ensure election integrity provided they do not interfere with, target, or disenfranchise eligible voters?
Strongly Support
Do you support strengthening property rights by opposing eminent domain abuses and excessive zoning regulations?
Do you support increasing local control over government decisions, allowing counties and municipalities more autonomy from state interference?


Second Amendment and Gun Rights

Do you support protecting the right to bear arms, opposing any new state-level gun control measures?
Would you support protecting the right to bear arms by repealing gun laws currently on the books in North Carolina?
Do you support legislation that would nullify federal gun laws? Example: North Carolinians would have the right to make and use suppressors made in North Carolina without approval from the ATF.
Strongly Support



Do you support expanding school choice options, including charter schools, vouchers, and homeschooling, to give parents and students more control over their education?
Strongly Support
Do you think that schools should be able to make healthcare decisions or administer treatments for students without notifying parents?
Strongly Disagree 
Do you support the current policy where failing schools continue to receive state money?
No Position 


Criminal Justice

Do you support reforming the criminal justice system by ending mandatory minimum sentences for non-violent offenses and emphasizing rehabilitation over incarceration?
Strongly Support
Do you support full reinstatement of all rights for convicted criminals once they have fully served their time and paid their debts to society?
Strongly Support
Do you believe the public has a right to view police body camera footage, provided victims' and minors' identities are protected?
Strongly Agree
Do you support protecting civil liberties by opposing government surveillance, warrantless searches, and other intrusions on individual privacy?
Strongly Support
Do you support a law requiring that any assets forfeited and distributed under North Carolina's "Equitable Sharing Program" have come from someone who was criminally convicted, in line with North Carolina's legal ban on civil asset forfeiture? (More information on Equitable Sharing Programs here)
Strongly Support
Do you believe that a police officer claiming to "smell marijuana" should be sufficient justification for probable cause to initiate a search of person or property?
Strongly Disagree 


Morality Legislation

Do you support the decriminalization of cannabis and other measures that reduce penalties for non-violent, victimless crimes?
Strongly Support
Do you support the abolition of the ABC system (Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission) in North Carolina?
Strongly Support
To what degree should government regulate gambling, by adults, in North Carolina?
Lightly Regulated


Foreign Intervention

Although primarily a federal issue, do you support North Carolina adopting a non-interventionist stance by opposing state-level support for foreign military actions or agreements?
Do you support Defend the Guard Legislation in North Carolina? This would prevent the deployment of the North Carolina National Guard without a Declaration of War by Congress. (More Information:
Strongly Support


In as many words as you'd like, explain why you are a pro-Liberty candidate or would increase Liberty in the state during the upcoming NCGA term? The LPNC will post your entire response to our website.

As a pro-Liberty candidate running for North Carolina State Senate District 10, my mission is to expand the freedoms and opportunities available to every individual in our state. I believe that the foundation of a prosperous and just society lies in respecting each person's right to live their life as they see fit, so long as they do not harm others. Liberty is not just a talking point for me—it's the guiding principle behind every policy I advocate.

Limiting Government Overreach

One of the primary ways I would increase liberty in North Carolina is by curtailing the overreach of government into our personal lives and economic activities. Too often, politicians believe they know what's best for us, leading to a multitude of regulations and laws that stifle innovation, restrict personal freedom, and burden our economy. I will work tirelessly to reduce unnecessary regulations and government mandates that infringe upon our rights and limit our choices. This includes eliminating the Certificate of Need (CON) regulations, which currently restrict the healthcare market, driving up costs and limiting access to care for many North Carolinians. By removing these barriers, we can foster a more competitive, efficient, and accessible healthcare system.

Promoting Free Market Solutions

I believe that the free market, guided by voluntary exchanges and the entrepreneurial spirit of individuals, is the most effective way to address our society's challenges. Government interventions often create more problems than they solve, leading to inefficiencies, waste, and a lack of accountability. Instead of relying on top-down, one-size-fits-all solutions, I will promote policies that encourage innovation and empower individuals to make their own choices. This includes advocating for school choice, where funding follows the student and parents are free to choose the best educational path for their children without burdensome government regulations or testing requirements.

Defending Individual Rights

A core tenet of my campaign is the defense of individual rights. I believe in the right to self-defense and will fight to ensure that law-abiding citizens have the ability to protect themselves and their families without undue restrictions on firearm ownership. I also believe in the right to privacy and will work to protect citizens from unwarranted government surveillance and data collection. Furthermore, I support the freedom of association and believe that businesses should have the autonomy to make their own decisions regarding whom they serve, without fear of government interference.

Upholding Property Rights

Strong property rights are essential to a free society and a thriving economy. They provide the foundation for individuals to build wealth, innovate, and create jobs. I will work to ensure that property rights are respected and protected in North Carolina, including the right to be compensated when pollution or other externalities negatively impact one's property. By holding polluters accountable and promoting responsible environmental stewardship, we can achieve a balance between economic growth and the preservation of our natural resources.

Advocating for Responsible Governance

Lastly, I believe that government should be limited and its powers clearly defined. I will work to ensure that North Carolina's government operates within its means, prioritizing fiscal responsibility and transparency. I am committed to reducing wasteful spending and ensuring that taxpayer dollars are used effectively to serve the people of our state. I also support transitioning away from taxpayer-funded healthcare programs like Medicaid and Medicare, not by abruptly cutting off support but by fostering a gradual shift towards free-market and charitable solutions that provide better care and more choices for all.

In conclusion, my commitment to liberty is unwavering. I believe that by reducing government interference, promoting free-market solutions, defending individual rights, upholding property rights, and advocating for responsible governance, we can create a North Carolina where everyone has the freedom to pursue their own happiness and success. If elected, I will fight every day to make this vision a reality.


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