Filing Period Coming Up Soon
If you're thinking of running for office in 2016, the time to act is shorten then you think, and just got shorter. The General Assembly just moved up the filing period to December 2015.
The filing period now opens at noon Dec. 1, 2015 and closes at noon Dec. 21, 2015. This is two months earlier than the norm. If more than two Libertarians file for an office, the primary will be March 15, in conjunction with a Presidential Primary.
The goal of the Libertarian Party of North Carolina is to run as many candidates for office as possible, especially the General Assembly. So if you are considering running for office, it's time to get serious. Check out our Run for Office page.
Libertarians, Greens Sue FEC
The Libertarian and Green parties, along with their respective 2012 presidential candidates, Gov. Gary Johnson and Jill Stein, filed a lawsuit in federal court in Washington, D.C. today, charging that the exclusion of qualified candidates from the general election presidential debates by the Commission on Presidential Debates violates federal anti-trust laws.
The legal challenge maintains that the Commission on Presidential Debates, a private 501(c)3 organization created in 1987 by the Republican and Democratic national parties, intentionally limits participation in the nationally-televised debates to the Democrat and Republican nominees — placing other national parties’ nominees at an unfair disadvantage.
Other candidates are excluded by the Commission’s imposing of arbitrary polling criteria and its colluding with the two old parties to refuse participation in any nationally-televised debates or in Democratic and Republican nominees’ joint appearances not sponsored by the CPD.
Legislative Leaders Subvert Campaign Finance Laws
BREAKING NEWS: The Republican party leadership has caved in to the oligarchs. They've agreed to a "compromise" that will now allow an additional "affiliated party committee" to be set up by the senior member of the Council of State (i.e. the governor). Gov. Pat McCrory has siged the bill (or course).
"I'd like to express sincere appreciation to both Republicans and Democrats in our General Assembly and Council of State for placing particular emphasis on their absolute lack of morals, ethics and professionalism," commented LPNC chair J.J. Summerell. "By stooping to new depths you have raised the LPNC, the Party of Principle, to new heights in the eyes of informed voters.”
by J.J. Summerell
LPNC Chair
In an eleventh hour back-door maneuver, the Republican leadership in the General Assembly rammed through a bill giving them the unlimited and uncontrolled ability to raise as much money as they want for candidates they alone select.
They'll be able to appoint an “affiliated party committee” that won't have to abide by the same rules and constrains that apply to parties and candidates. And if that doesn't make a sufficient mockery of the law, individuals, lobbyists, and special interest groups will be able to give as much money as the want to these faux committee.
We agree with the Republican assistant counsel David Williams that this is a “poison pill” for the Republican Party. But it's also a toxic potion for Libertarians, unaffiliated voters–and most especially the people of North Carolina.
Read moreNC Deserves a Better Budget
by J.J. Summerell
LPNC Chair
About 60 days late and many, many dollars short, Republican legislators have finally agreed on a state budget. There are some commendable provisions but overall the budget is still not the best deal for North Carolina.
They continued moving in the right direction by lowering the personal income tax rate again. They also took a small step toward ending corporate welfare by eliminating renewable energy tax credits. But these positives are offset by adding a sales tax to some services, increasing in driver's license and vehicle registration fees, and reinstating historic preservation tax credits.
Reducing everyone's income taxes is good. But expanding the sales tax and increased DMV fees, while seemingly fair, will actually have a greater impact on those with lower incomes. That's not good for anyone.
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