2022 LPNC Convention


Clemmons, NC

(Friday - Sunday, March 4th - 6th, 2022)

Book Lodging (Group Code: 030422LIB)   -   Bylaws   -    Platform   -   Convention Rules
Agenda  -   Platform Committee Report   -   Live Auction


Join us in Clemmons the weekend of March 4-6 for the 2022 LPNC Convention to celebrate Life Unmandated! Everyone wants to live their own life their own way, for their own needs, and according to their own values. Join us with the Libertarian Party of North Carolina, the only political party that leaves your life choices where they belong, with you!

We'll be meeting at the Village Inn Hotel and Event Center for a weekend of business, enlightening speakers, and fun! Tickets include all convention activities, plus a catered Gala on Saturday. We will also have a Friday evening reception from 7pm-11pm.



Event tickets (except the Live Stream option) include all convention activities on Friday through Sunday, plus a catered Gala on Saturday. Tickets can be purchased at the bottom of this page. 

Event Tickets:

Registration —$115.00 (discount ends March 4th, 2022)

Register for the 2022 LPNC in advance and save $25 per ticket! This discount will end Thursday, March 3rd. 


Door —$140.00 (March 5th - 6th, 2022)

Full price at the door, $140.


Business Only —$25.00 (March 5th - 6th, 2022)

Business access only.


Virtual Attendance (delegates only) —$25 

Can't attend the convention in person but want to participate in the shenanigans remotely? We will provide a Zoom call for remote delegates. 


Event Add-Ons:

Saturday Gala Only (extra ticket) $25

Need an additional ticket(s) for a guest to attend the Saturday Gala with you? Here's your option!


Reserved Group Table —$100 (10 seats, limited availability*)

*See details on how to reserve below!


Business Table - $100 (limited availability*)

*See details on how to reserve below!


Speakers (additional speakers to be announced!)

We have some great speakers in the works! Check back soon for updates!


Mary Ruwart, Ph.D.

Mary Ruwart

Mary J. Ruwart, Ph.D. is best known in the libertarian movement for her award-winning international bestsellers Healing Our World, Short Answers to the Tough Questions, and Death by Regulation. She has served 3 terms on the LNC and currently chair the LP Judicial Committee. She also chairs the non-profit Liberty International and a for-profit ethical review board (IRB).


Dr. Terry Stoops

Dr. Terry Stoops

Dr. Stoops is the director of the Center for Effective Education.

Before joining the Locke Foundation in 2005, he worked as the program assistant for the Child Welfare Education Programs at the University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work. He taught English at Spotsylvania High School and served as an adjunct instructor in professional communication at the University of Mary Washington. During his doctoral studies, Stoops was a research assistant in the Department of Leadership, Foundations, and Policy at the University of Virginia School of Education and Human Development.  He is co-founder of Carolina Charter Academy, a public charter school located in Angier, North Carolina.  In 2021, he was appointed to the North Carolina Charter School Advisory Board by Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson.

Dr. Stoops earned a bachelor’s degree in speech communication from Clarion University and a master’s degree in Administrative and Policy Studies from the University of Pittsburgh School of Education. He earned a Ph.D. in Social Foundations of Education from the University of Virginia School of Education and Human Development.  He received a certificate in education finance from the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University.


North Carolina State Treasurer Dale R. Folwell

Dale R. Folwell

North Carolina State Treasurer Dale R. Folwell, CPA was sworn in as State Treasurer of North Carolina in January 2017. As the keeper of the public purse, Treasurer Folwell is responsible for a $124 billion state pension fund that provides retirement benefits for more than 900,000 teachers, law enforcement officers, and other public workers. Under Folwell’s leadership the pension plan was rated among the top five highest-funded in the country and won accolades for proactive management and funding discipline. In 2021 the state’s coveted AAA bond rating was reaffirmed by every major rating agency, making North Carolina one of only 13 states in the country to hold that distinction. Treasurer Folwell also oversees the State Health Plan, which provides medical and pharmaceutical benefits to more than 750,000 current and retired public employees and is the largest purchaser of health care in North Carolina. Folwell was first elected to public office as a member of the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Board of Education. He brought his problem-solving skills to the North Carolina General Assembly in 2004, where he served four terms in the House of Representatives including one term as Speaker Pro Tempore. Treasurer Folwell began his career as a blue-collar worker and became a Certified Public Accountant and investment advisor after earning Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in accounting from UNC-Greensboro. Married for more than 30 years, he and his wife Synthia have three children and live in Winston-Salem.


Lisa Sorg

Lisa Sorg

Lisa Sorg is an award-winning environmental investigative reporter with NC Policy Watch, a nonprofit digital media outlet in Raleigh.

A journalist for 28 years, Sorg has a keen interest not only in the environment, but also the social justice impacts of pollution and corporate malfeasance.

She has won dozens of awards for her news, public service and investigative reporting, including the Henry Weathers Freedom of Information Award for her reporting on government transparency.

Before arriving at NC Policy Watch, she was editor of INDY Week in Durham. Sorg also served as editor of the San Antonio Current, in Texas, and at dailies and an alt-weekly in her home state of Indiana. There, she became interested in environmental reporting when she began covering PCB contamination at Superfund sites near low-income neighborhoods in Bloomington, Indiana.

She lives in Durham, where in her off hours, she spends as much as time as possible outdoors.



Breakout Sessions (details coming soon!)

We have some great breakout sessions in the works! Check back soon for updates!



Interested in sponsoring the Friday Evening Reception?

Are you, your affiliate, business, or organization interested in sponsoring the Friday evening reception before convention start on Saturday morning? To request more details, please fill out this form!


Interested in setting up a business table at the 2022 LPNC Convention? (Limited availability!)

If you are interested in reserving a business table for yourself, business, group, organization, or affiliate, please fill out this form!


Interested in reserving a private table for the 2022 LPNC Convention Gala? (Limited availability!)

If you'd like to reserve a table (10 chairs) for the 2022 LPNC Convention Gala on Saturday to make sure your large group stays together, we've got the option for you! Fill out this form to request a reserved table for the Gala!


Interested in donating items for the Live Auction?

Be ready to bid on some rare items! Have any items you'd like to donate to help LPNC raise funds during our Live Auction event? Be sure to fill out out this this form!



Venue & Hotel Information - 

*The venue has disabled online reservations at this time. But don't worry, you can still book! Please call Village Inn directly at (336) 766-9121 and BE SURE TO USE GROUP CODE 030422LIB for a discounted rate! Available of Friday March 4th - 6th, 2022. 

Venue (with lodging) - Friday March 4th - 6th, 2022

Village Inn Hotel and Event Center6205 Ramada Dr, Clemmons, North Carolina 27012

Be sure to use GROUP CODE 030422LIB for a discounted rate! There are limited rooms so be sure to book ASAP! 

(King/Queen starting at $99.00+Theft)


Additional Local Hotels:

(Group rate does not apply at these hotels)

Walking Distance: 

Super 8 Clemmons/Winston-Salem Area I-40 - 6204 Ramada Dr, Clemmons, NC 27012

Less than 1 mile from venue:

Quality Inn Clemmons I-40 - 6320 Amp Dr, Clemmons, NC 27012

Holiday Inn Express & Suites Winston-Salem SW - 6330 Jessie Ln, Clemmons, NC 27012




March 04, 2022 at 4:30pm - March 06, 2022
Village Inn Hotel & Event Center
6205 Ramada Dr
Clemmons, NC 27012
United States
Google map and directions
Zac Lentz · · (919) 521-2503

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  • Jonathan Hopper
    published this page in Events 2021-12-15 10:54:29 -0500
  • Jonathan Hopper
    published this page in Events 2021-12-13 23:43:45 -0500
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