WakeLP Meetup: Jon Sanders on Nuclear Power

Nuclear power generation is the state’s top source of electricity. The state’s three nuclear power plants provide about 33 percent of the state’s electricity. With zero emissions, unrivaled reliability, and the lowest costs, existing nuclear power checks all the boxes for what different people want from electricity.
So why is nuclear power so controversial? Why does it generate so much political opposition? John Sanders, director of regulatory studies and research editor at the John Locke Foundation, will address these questions at tonight’s WakeLP Meetup. 
“For something that is an essential human need, electricity invites a great deal of political activity,” he notes. Jon will discuss the importance of retaining nuclear generation to electricity provision in North Carolina. Losing nuclear power would likely increase both prices and the risk of grid instability, and even endanger lives.
While Gov. Roy Cooper’s “Clean Power Plan” seeks “nuclear generation replacement,” President Joe Biden recently signaled support for keeping nuclear plants operating.
Jon is an economist studying state regulations that spreading kudzu of invasive government and unintended consequences. He gets in the weeds of all kinds of policy.
Jon holds a master’s degree in economics with a minor in statistics and a bachelor of arts degree in English literature and language from North Carolina State University.
He enjoys music, arts, literature, cooking, logic, dad jokes, Scotch, entrepreneurship, and wit.
Join us for an evening of stimulating discussion of current political events from a Libertarian perspective. If you cannot make it in person, join us live on Zoom:
• Link = https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9199482708
• Meeting ID = 919 948 2708
• One-tap mobile = +13017158592,,9199482708# US
…or plan to catch the replay on our YouTube channel ( https://www.youtube.com/user/WakeUpLiberty ).
PARKING: If your bill comes to $15 or more, Tobacco Road will reimburse you for parking in the Powerhouse Square parking deck behind the restaurant. Ask for a voucher.
July 14, 2021 at 7:00pm - 9pm
Tobacco Road Sports Cafe
505 W Jones St
Raleigh, NC 27603
United States
Google map and directions

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  • larry johnson
    published this page in Events 2021-06-30 22:04:21 -0400
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