Discussion of current political events from a Libertarian perspective. A regular weekly meeting hosted (this week) by Olen Leo Watson III, WakeLP secretary.
NOTE: The WakeLP are moving! Our longtime unofficial HQ, The Gourmet Factory, have not renewed their liquor license and—not coincidentally—we need to relocate. Our relocation committee has recommended several alternatives, and we are imbibing our way through them.
Nicklepoint is the fifth and final potential replacement venue we will be sampling. They feature a great selection of their own craft beer and (usually) a food truck parked outside. Limited parking in their lot but there is plenty of street parking. Please make it a point to join us to check it out…and help us make this momentous decision!
Also please note the meetup is on a WEDNESDAY…in fact, all meetups for the rest of 2016 are on Wednesday at the suggestion of the relocation committee, to see if that day might work better than Thursday.
And one final note: no meetup next week (Wednesday before Thanksgiving).

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