June 12, 2024
Contact: Rob Yates

Third Party Voices Rally

More Voices, More Choices: Peaceful Rally and Demonstration for Third-Party Recognition in Raleigh at North Carolina State Capitol


June 12, 2024 (RALEIGH) – On Friday, June 14, 2024, from 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM, members of the Libertarian Party of North Carolina and several other third parties will participate in a peaceful rally and demonstration titled "More Voices, More Choices" at the North Carolina State Capitol. This event aims to raise awareness about the importance of political diversity and to advocate for the rights of third-party political groups in North Carolina.

Two years ago, a lawsuit sponsored by major party donors challenged the Green Party NC state-certified petitions in order to delay their ballot access and subsequent campaigns by their candidates. There are indications that third parties could face the same legal obstruction tactics even though the Green Party won its case earlier this year. The judge’s decision declared the suit “frivolous” and awarded the Greens minor financial damages, a very small price to pay for suppliers of  major party dark money. 

This Friday’s show of camaraderie is organized by the We The People Party of North Carolina and will feature a multi-party lineup of speakers (some TBD), including WakeLP Chair, Travis Groo, who will moderate the discussion, and LPNC Vice-Chair Sean Haugh, who will participate as a speaker. They will highlight the need to break the stigma of voting against the two-party system and how independent candidates work at a great disadvantage to ensure fair representation for all political voices in the state.

Event Details:

Date: Friday, June 14, 2024
Time: 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Location: North Carolina State Capitol, Raleigh, NC


Speakers and Participants (not in order of appearance):


Party Affiliation

Event Role

Travis Groo

Libertarian Party of Wake County


Ryan Rabah

We The People, North Carolina


Sean Haugh

Libertarian Party of North Carolina


Wayne Turner

North Carolina Green Party


Mathew Hoh

North Carolina Green Party


Patrick Newton

North Carolina Forward Party


Myia Hall

North Carolina Forward Party


Cliff Hamill

North Carolina Forward Party


Italo Medelius-Marsano

Justice for All, North Carolina


Al Pisano

Constitution Party of NC


This event calls for the North Carolina State Board of Elections (NCSBE) and state legislature to support the petitioners' needs for a prompt and fair decision-making process and furthermore, to recognize that frivolous lawsuits are products of dark money PACs intended to delay candidate recognition and stall campaigns.  We invite supporters of fair political competition to join us in this peaceful rally to show their support.

For more information, please contact Ryan Rabah at [email protected] or (980) 333-7733.

For media inquiries or further information, please contact Rob Yates at [email protected].


Libertarian Party of North Carolina
Libertarian Party of North Carolina (lpnc.org)

Ryan Brown
LPNC Chair
Libertarian Party of North Carolina
Ryan.B[email protected]

Rob Yates
Communications Director and Acting Press Secretary
Libertarian Party of North Carolina
[email protected]

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  • Rob Yates
    published this page in Press Releases 2024-06-12 08:06:32 -0400
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