Speaking of Liberty is the new podcast brought to you by the Libertarian Party of North Carolina with host Sarah Brady Wagner. We invite you to spend half an hour every-other-week to keep up to date on the issues impacting Liberty in the Old North State. Enjoy interviews with leaders in the Liberty movement, businesses and charities on the cutting edge of innovation, and candidates seeking to earn your trust in elected office.
Coming in February 2018 to this feed, enjoy episodes covering topics such as
- What District am I In Now? Demystifying the fight over district maps
- Everything you need to know to run for General Assembly as a Libertarian in 2018 and
- Who really has a right to work? An overview of occupational licensing in NC
This project has been made possible by grant from the Libertarian Party of North Carolina, but relies on support from listeners and Liberty-lovers of all stripes to sustain production. If you would like to help the mission of Speaking of Liberty; speaking the message of freedom in our state and offering reasoned coverage of news and politics, there are a few ways to help.
You can make a one-time or ongoing financial donation to the project at lpnc.org/donate.
You can donate materially by purchasing or donating production equipment to expand media capabilities. Check out our Amazon Wishlist here.
Or you can donate your talents and abilities to the project by contacting Sarah Brady Wagner at [email protected].
You can also rate and review the podcast in your favorite podcast marketplace, recommend it to your friends and family, and like and follow us on Facebook.
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