Rally in Gastonia, NC (Homelessness, justice & compassion)

For too long, government has refused to show justice and compassion for our homeless population. Please join the Libertarian Party of North Carolina and Pastor Moses Colbert for a third joint rally at 5pm on May 3rd at 181 S South Street, Gastonia NC 28052, where we will:

1 - Demand that the Gastonia City Council join our call for the release of the body camera footage from the arrest of homeless Army veteran Joshua Rohrer and the tasing of his service dog Sunshine.

2 - Demand that the city of Gastonia stop blocking Pastor Colbert's compassionate efforts to provide shelter for the homeless of Gastonia at his Faith Hope & Love Community Enrichment Ministries.

Since the last rally, Joshua's court date has once again been pushed back, delaying him the right to a speedy trial. Pastor Moses is working diligently to get the new church location opened, but expects continued difficulty from the local government.

We will have former 2020 Vice Presidential candidate for the Libertarian Party Spike Cohen as a special guest speaker.

We will be demonstrating outside City Hall. Afterwards, some us (including Spike) will be speaking at the City Council meeting at 6:00pm.

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  • Jonathan Hopper
    published this page in News 2022-05-02 12:44:08 -0400
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