Mises Club Carolinas 2024 Summer Trip Recap

Mises Club of the Carolinas - Sugar Mountain 2024

by: Joshua D Glawson, LPNC Strategic Communications Adviser

August 9 through August 11, 2024, the Mises Club of the Carolinas met at Sugar Mountain Resort in Sugar Mountain, North Carolina. The discussions focused on sound money, education, and entrepreneurship in North Carolina, the United States, and the world.

The event, led by Kent Misegades, had a variety of speakers including some prominent libertarians, classical liberals, conservatarians, and conservatives. Those in attendance included Ulli Misegades, Paul Cwik (pictured below), Andrew Jochl, Franklin Sanders, Justin Sanders, Trey Carson, Jared Wall, Kerubo Wall, Winston Brady, Doug Newell, Mark Brody, Pierre Lawson, Ken Silva, Joshua D Glawson, Jim Brunner & The Walker Family (family of Bena Bien Greaves), and others.

Many others attended including an appearance by Bob Luddy, Robert Napolitano, Matthew Bianco, Vann Walters, Cheryl Nester, and more.

The family-friendly event was a success because it met all expectations and exceeded them by educating more people outside of the liberty sphere about the key topics of sound money (i.e. gold and cryptocurrency), education, and entrepreneurship. This Mises Club of the Carolinas conference had around 60 people in attendance - an audience filled with smiling faces and inquisitive minds.

For most people, they ae not necessarily intrigued by ideas of individual liberty, limited government, personal responsibility, and sound money. However, the Mises Club of the Carolinas does an excellent job of getting people of various backgrounds and interests together, starting a much-needed public dialogue, and sparking ideas of liberty in the minds of witnesses.

There may be political events that occur throughout the state that claim the name of “liberty,” but so far only the Mises Club fits the bill aside from the Libertarian Party of North Carolina.

In this article, I will tell you about three parts of the event that enjoyed. You can see the presentation slides here.

Starting off the event was yours truly, Joshua D Glawson (Strategic Communications Adviser of the LPNC), representing Money Metals Exchange and the Sound Money Defense League. These two organizations embody the philosophy of Mises and put his philosophy into human action. In this opening presentation, I discussed what sound money is, the failures of monetary policy by the Federal Reserve, and the success stories of the Sound Money Defense League in 2023 and 2024.

(From Left to Right: Franklin Sanders, Justin Sanders, Andrew Jochl, Joshua D Glawson, Trey Carson, Mark Brody)

I was also a part of the sound money panel discussion that was led by the liberty martyr and legend Franklin Sanders. This is a giant of a man who bravely stood up to government tyranny in the name of sound money and suffered through jail time because he refused to bow to the government’s tyrannical overreach and unconstitutional actions. One of the assistant US attorneys called Franklin Sanders, “The most dangerous man in the mid-south,” yet he was kind, intelligent, peaceful, and principled.

Another presentation I enjoyed was that of Ken Silva, an award-winning investigative reporter for Headline USA. Silva discussed a few of his findings over the years, including how the FBI starts various fringe groups (e.g. white supremacists, neo-Nazis, white nationalists, and various “hate groups”) to incite social instability, chaos, and violence all to entrap unsuspecting targets and build government power.

A third presentation that I enjoyed was that of Jared Wall of the Monroe, NC, area (pictured with his son, Ron Paul). Jared has been heavily involved in the Liberty Movement since the days of Ron Paul where he worked on Dr. Paul’s campaign and helped to edit works by Libertarian Institute’s Scott Horton. Jared’s wife, Kerubo, is a children’s book author, who also promotes ideas of liberty in her work. Together, they promote international entrepreneurship - in the U.S. and Kenya. The Walls’ presentation highlighted the importance of entrepreneurship, personal responsibility, and the liberty gained through these efforts.

The Mises Club Carolinas Meetup #10 - Sugar Mountain, NC - August 9-11, 2024, was a fantastic time and a great break from the summer heat. If you are interested in learning more about liberty in North Carolina, networking with liberty-minded professionals, and getting involved in the North Carolina liberty movement, I highly recommend attending a Mises Club of the Carolinas event. For more information visit the Mises Institute.

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