Libertarian Candidate Offers Solution to CD9 Dispute

Jeff Scott, the Libertarian candidate in the now disputed race for Congressional District 9, says the way to resolve the issue is to offer immunity to people who can provide evidence of ballot fraud.

"Republicans and Democrats should be interested in such an approach if it would end alleged ballot harvesting," he said.

Republican Mark Harris filed a petition with the Wake Superior Court Jan. 3 asking the court to declare him the winner. Scott said he agrees with the legal arguments Harris made and accused Democrats of orchestrating a circus-like spectacle.

“I think the Democrats, to their credit, are smart enough to know that they can turn this into a huge carnival of shame where everybody is afraid to say anything” at an evidentiary hearing because they don’t know what penalties they might face, Scott said.

“Nobody is going to speak up if they think they’re going to be prosecuted down the line,” Scott said.

Scott was interviewed for an article by Don Way of the Carolina Journal. You can read the full article here



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