Alternative Lifestyles: There is a growing trend of living smaller in this country. In western North Carolina, particularly, folks are concerned about consumption and are already adept at using unconventional methods for housing--just check out any country road around and you will see some true innovation! In particular, there is a shipping container home on SoCo Road in Maggie Valley. Many people have long been interested in tiny homes, especially tiny homes that come from recycled/repurposed materials. Most hesitancy in owning an alternative house is that government regulations are not always flexible when it comes to alternative housing materials, and in some cases, have even made it illegal to be off-grid.
On Tuesday, November 10th, 7pm at Bearwaters Brewery (130 Frazier Street, Waynesville) a representative from EcoLife is going to give a short presentation about shipping container homes--the ins and outs of what goes into a shipping container house, how to get one for yourself, the company's own experience with local bureaucracy,and there will be time for questions from the audience afterwards.
130 Frazier St
Waynesville, NC 28786
United States
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