The Libertarian Party of North Carolina Executive Committee will meet Saturday, November 15 at 7 Corporate Center Ct., Greensboro, beginning at 11am. All libertarians and interested parties are welcome to attend. If you plan to do so, RSVP so we know how many people will be there. (The meeting room is modestly-sized.)
Special guest appearances by 2014 Libertarian candidate Windy McKinney as part of the post mortem on the election (one of the items on the agenda).
Note: If you cannot RSVP using the button below, please send e-mail to Brian Irving.
Call to order
1. Set agenda
2. Note online approval of October minutes.
Officer Reports
1. Chair
2. Treasurer
3. Membership Secretary – Ms. Goodfrey resigned effective Nov. 11, 2014
Director & Committee Reports
1. Executive Director
2. Communications Director
3. Platform Committee (Mrs. Howe)
4. Bylaws Committee (Mr. Irving)
5. Strategic Planning Committee (Mr. Penkowski)
6. Budget Committee (Mr. Vuchinich)
Old Business
1. Expense Reimbursement Policy (Mr. Hessel)
2. 2015 State Convention (Mr. Hessel)
3. State Fair (Mr. Irving)
New Business
1. Election results
2. Fundraising (Mr. Summerell/Mr. Hessel)
3. Status of open director positions (Mr. Summerell)
4. Candidates to fill vacant EC at-large slots (Mr. Hessel)
5. 2015 EC meeting calendar (Mr. Hessel)
6. Other
1. Next meeting Location/Venue
2. Adjourn
7 Corporate Center Ct
Greensboro, NC 27408
United States
Google map and directions

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