Cumberland LP Meeting

How many times have you been disgusted by what the government is doing? How often have you lamented the police state? How often have you felt the bile burning your throat as you watch in horror as we send more troops to die in wars we don't belong in? How many months has your heart sunk as you have opened your paycheck to find that big brother once more taken large chunks of your livelihood and a piece of your children's future? How often has the news of government corruptions, scandals, constitutional apathy, hypocrisy, incompetence and paternalism made you furious?

What have you done about it? Wed, the 17th, we will be holding a meeting to officially form the Libertarian Party of Cumberland County. Don't wish things would change, come help us change it!

We know that your time is both precious and limited, so we commit to you that we will start promptly at 7pm and be finished by 8pm.

September 17, 2014 at 7:00pm - 8pm
Cumberland County Library North Regional Branch
855 McArthur Rd
Fayetteville, NC 28311
United States
Google map and directions
Marty Martin · · 910-977-5927
ShyAnn Martin Dylan Newman Forrest (“Marty”) Martin Ian Connors

Will you come?

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  • ShyAnn Martin
    rsvped 2014-09-16 05:07:45 -0400
  • Dylan Newman
    rsvped 2014-09-15 05:07:45 -0400
  • Forrest (“Marty”) Martin
    rsvped 2014-09-15 05:07:45 -0400
  • posted about this on Facebook 2014-09-11 11:46:53 -0400
    Please RSVP: Cumberland LP Meeting
  • Ian Connors
    rsvped 2014-09-11 11:46:25 -0400
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