Bob Drach - May 2024

Bob Drach

The Office of the State Auditor is tainted by recent scandal. Candidate Bob Drach gives voters a strong alternative to business as usual.

"Accountants in public practice should be independent in fact and appearance when providing auditing and other attestation services.”

— American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

SURF CITY, NC, UNITED STATES, May 15, 2024 -- On November 7, 2023, North Carolina State Auditor Beth Wood was indicted and on November 9th she resigned. This incident cast a shadow over the Office of the State Auditor (OSA). As a result, the next election will be about the best way to restore the reputation of the OSA.

Bob Drach is a candidate for North Carolina State Auditor. He believes: “The next auditor should be independent, qualified, and ethical.” There are two other candidates for State Auditor. One is Jessica Holmes, who was appointed by Democratic Governor Roy Cooper. The other will be Dave Boliek, who is leading in his primary election with about 90% of the votes counted.

According to the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, "Accountants in public practice should be independent in fact and appearance when providing auditing and other attestation services." Drach is independent in the sense of being neither a Democrat nor a Republican in a state government dominated by both. As a Libertarian, Bob is the most independent candidate and best able to restore the reputation of the OSA.

Drach is qualified -- he is a Certified Management Accountant (CMA), Certified Turnaround Professional (CTP), business leader (CFO, CIO, CEO), and public servant (U.S. Peace Corps and New Hanover County Board of Equalization and Review). Bob spent four years working for audit and consulting firm Deloitte early in his career. He has a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) degree from Stanford University.

Bob’s motivation is the public good. He says: “When I registered for the draft, I thought hard about my responsibility as a US citizen, and I decided to volunteer for national service. Now, after a career in accounting and organizational leadership, I am again able to serve. I look up and down the ballot and see what poor choices the major parties give us. The solution for this is to get involved and to support good independent candidates when they run. My background, independence, and qualifications are a perfect fit for NC State Auditor.”

Importantly, Bob is not a lawyer. He is not a political appointee. He does not work in the State Legislature. He is not raising hundreds of thousands of dollars from those trying to influence elections. He will rarely be auditing members of his own political party. He is free from such apparent conflicts of interest.

Bob’s primary goal is to restore the reputation of the Office of the State Auditor as a professional, unbiased, and vital part of our State Government. There has been an auditor in State Government since before the American Revolution. Drach notes: “There is a reason for that. When money, competing interests, government power, and humans are involved we need to assure that management controls are appropriate. When controls fail then we need a strong, independent auditor to shine a light on where waste, fraud, or abuse happens.”

When asked about running as a Libertarian, Drach states: "Libertarians are about non-aggression, natural rights, and civil liberties. These line up well with my personal beliefs. Also, election laws in North Carolina make it much harder for unaffiliated independent candidates to run for office. The Libertarian party is the largest block of independent registered voters in North Carolina."

Learn more about Bob by visiting

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