by Brian Irving
R. Lee Wrights has passed away. Lee was LPNC vice chair for many years, spearheaded several of our ballot access drives, and is perhaps best know for his run for the LP presidential nomination in 2012 under the banner "I Am Not At War."
Lee was more than a friend to me and to many others in the libertarian movement in North Carolina and across the nation. He was a mentor, and role model, and a brother. I am comforted by the belief we shared, that he is now, finally, at peace.
On behalf of the Libertarian Party of North Carolina, which he loved and served so well, I extend our thoughts, prayers, and condolences to the Wrights family.
See this story in Independent Political Report.
Mary Ruwart: Liberty lost a great champion today.
The presidential candidate debate at the 2012 Libertarian Party National Convention was an example of R. Lee Wrights at his finest.
Tribute to R. Lee Wrights, by Shane Killian
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