The Tarheel Libertarian Vol.1
State of the State
Welcome to the first edition of The Tarheel Libertarian, a new monthly publication from the LPNC! From the Executive Committee to special projects to your local affiliate, we’ll keep you in the know on all things Libertarian in North Carolina. This first email edition will be comprehensive, but in future monthly newsletters we will aim to provide snippets from each column with links to read and learn more on the LPNC website.
In our column “State of the State” you’ll hear from a different Executive Committee member or LPNC volunteer each month as they give us a look at the LPNC through their eyes. You’ll learn about what the LPNC has been up to and what plans are in the near future.
“Committees and Projects” will cover the activities of LPNC committees such as vacancies and proposals as well as special projects including tabling events and membership drives. If there’s a certain project you’re interested in or if you want to fill us in on what you’re doing, please contact us at newsletter at
“Across NC” is all about our County Affiliates. We’ll keep you up to date on the latest news from county affiliates across North Carolina. If Wake County builds another Habitat for Humanity house, we’ll be there. Is Pender County fighting incorporation? You’ll know about it. If your county has news to share or you’d like to start a county affiliate, please contact us. We’re playing catch-up for this edition but this column will be filled with the latest local news in future editions.
In “Help Wanted” you’ll learn about lots of fun and easy ways to volunteer. When there’s a specific need, we’ll let you know. We’ll also keep you up to date on the occasional paying gig so keep your eyes open on this column. There’s something for everyone.
“Monthly Shakedown” is exactly what it sounds like. The LPNC is in the business of bringing liberty to North Carolina and its citizens and while business is good our political activities are expensive. While we always need and appreciate recurring donations, check this column to find special projects and specific needs that are waiting for funding to get off the ground. In the future, we’ll try to highlight Libertarians who really shine when it comes to putting their money to hard work. If your affiliate has a special project that needs funding or a special donor to put in the spotlight, please contact us.
If you’re looking for a liberty event in North Carolina, make sure to check out our column “Mark Your Calendar”. This column is focused on upcoming LPNC and County Affiliate events as well as events outside the LP that might be of interest to North Carolina Libertarians. If you know about something we should cover, make sure to contact us!
If you have a suggestion, story, column idea, news, question, comment, or concern, we’re always here! Just contact us at newsletter at and let us know what we’re missing or what you would like to see included each month. We look forward to hearing from you.
Committees and Projects
Bylaws Committee
The Bylaws Committee has been in operation, this term, since June of 2018. “This term has been a little different in that we began early to get a good start that would allow greater time to do the job and not feel rushed to get out a good product”, says Committee Chair Reid Deal. “I feel this has given us the opportunity to do more in depth work and address everything we saw that needed to be consistent.” The proceedings were conducted on Slack, including the voting. However, the committee did meet, once, face to face, to clear up several things that required a dialogue in that venue. “I am happy to report that we are on track to submit the finished product to the Executive Committee to be disseminated to the members about 60 days prior to the State Convention.”
Strategic Planning Committee
The Strategic Planning Committee is meeting every other Thursday to craft the LPNC’s new strategic plan. The committee is organizing goals and developing a step by step plan to achieve those goals. Look for an unveiling of the new LPNC Strategic Plan at the LPNC Convention in Wilmington in May.
Convention Planning Committee
The Convention Planning Committee is proud to announce celebrated author and speaker, Dr. Mary Ruwart, as the LPNC 2019 Convention keynote speaker! The committee has rolled out multiple packages for the convention. “While we’ve tried to keep packages simple, attendees are welcome to contact the Convention Planning Committee with requests for customized packages.” says one committee member. Anyone who wants to attend the convention but can’t do so for financial reasons should also contact the committee. To take advantage of early bird pricing, go to
Messaging Committee
The Messaging Committee has focused in recent weeks on approving, for publication on the LPNC web site, issue papers written by the Issues Committee. In coming weeks, papers will be published on Adoption and Fostering Rights, Gender and Sexual Minorities, Right of Commerce and Communication, The Drug War, and War Memorials.
Across NC
Greetings fellow members of the Libertarian Party of North Carolina, I am the Chair for the Libertarian Party of Cabarrus County and I would like to take a moment to let you know that I am currently trying to get our affiliate up and running again. I am currently trying to gauge interest to schedule a meeting for some time in April. If you are interested, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Thomas Hill, Cabarrus County Chair
Greetings fellow members of the Libertarian Party of North Carolina, I am the Chair for the Libertarian Party of Davidson County and I would like to take a moment to report some of the happenings of our affiliate to you. Our current Executive Committee is Donald Reid Deal, Chair; Bill Needham, Vice-Chair; MiChelle Barnett, Secretary; and Andy Thomas, Treasurer. At this meeting we will also elect or ask for those wishing to go to the State Convention the last of May as delegates. At last count we had 340 active registered Libertarians in Davidson County. We have an issue trying to “donate” earmarked funds in the amount of $250 to a County School for the purpose of School Supplies. The problem comes out of a stated position from the Schools not wishing to receive funds from a political party, thus we are currently trying to find a work around for this. As some may know our Chair Donald Reid Deal intends to run for County Commissioner in the 2020 Election Cycle, and this will be the first time in Davidson that anyone has ran for any office that was a registered Libertarian.
This time last year the Libertarian Party of Forsyth County did not exist. Although there are 1200 registered Libertarians in Forsyth County, there were no practical means by which we could get together. That changed in June of 2018. With the help of Kyle Anderson, former LPNC Affiliate Coordinator, Reid Deal and Houston Barrow, the LPFC was organized with five official members. Bill McGuire of Lewisville volunteered to serves as Treasurer, Michael Feathers also of Lewisville as Secretary, and Randy Peters of Winston Salem volunteered to Chair the new LPNC affiliate. In August, the affiliate’s Bylaws were adopted and Ryan Marston of Winston Salem was elected as Vice-Chair.
Since then, the number of registered members of the LPFC has doubled. Along with other Triad LPNC affiliates, LPFC organized a ‘Meet and Greet’/Fundraiser for LP Court of Appeals candidate, Michael Monaco. Unfortunately, Hurricane Michael (the storm - not the candidate) cancelled that event. Subsequently, LPFC has held organizational meetings, a pre-election discussion of the proposed NC Constitutional Amendments, a dinner and presentation on Second Amendment issues in NC, and laid the groundwork for outreach, activism, and candidate recruitment. One of their members has expertise in free-market healthcare reforms and they are planning to make that a focus of outreach efforts in the coming months given the prominence of healthcare corporations in our county. The LPFC will held its first (in a long time at least) Annual Convention on Saturday, March 23 at the Village Inn Event Center in Clemmons.
We held our annual convention on Saturday, March 23, 2019 from 2:00pm – 5:00pm, located at Taco Mac (4625 Piedmont Row Drive, Charlotte). Jeff Scott started things off with updates regarding the special elections in CD9 and CD3. Afterwards, Jeff gave a Call to Order and our Treasurer Timothy Conard started business by going over the Treasurer’s report for 2018 and then he and Jeff discussed our fundraising goals and ideas for the purchase of equipment and swag for 2019. Executive Committee elections were held and current members: Jeff Scott (Chair), Timothy Conard (Treasurer), Steven J. DiFiore II (Secretary), and Chris Whitten (Exec Committee at Large 1) were re-elected to their positions for another term. The Exec Committee at Large 2 position remains unfilled at this time. The Delegate selection for the 2019 LPNC Convention were made. Open discussion was held regarding membership recruitment and outreach opportunities for 2019. Finally, we held a discussion of our Bylaws and voted to authorize technical corrections to them. Invited members in attendance: Susan Jane Hogarth (Chair, Libertarian Party of North Carolina), Joe Garcia (Chair, Union County), Thomas Hill (Chair, Cabarrus County), and Michael Finn (Chair, Stanly County).
If you are interested in the Executive Committee at Large 2 position, please email me at [email protected].
We hold our monthly meetings every second Saturday of the month, from 9:30am – 11am. Our meetings are held at Whole Foods Market located at 6610 Fairview Rd, Charlotte 28210.
The New Hanover County Libertarian Party is planning multiple public speaking events and community forums and is also gearing up to host the LPNC 2019 convention.
Onslow County has a new county organizer that’s excited to start forming a county affiliate. He’s meeting with local Libertarians and the regional affiliate development coordinator in the coming weeks to form an organization strategy.
The Libertarian Party of Pender County is fighting, alongside the residents of Hampstead, against the attempted incorporation of their community and having great success. They’re getting a fair amount of community support and are building strong coalitions with other groups. They’ve been invited to speak at functions and even to publicly debate the leader of the incorporation effort.
On January 21st, the LP of Rockingham County sponsored the “MLK Day of Service“ event hosted by the Rockingham County Education foundation. The LPRC provided a dozen volunteers to make improvements to Reidsville Middle School:
The LPRC will again participate in the “TEAM UP TO CLEAN UP” Rockingham County Schools on Saturday, March 30, 2019, 9:00am until 1:00pm, at Morehead High School, 134 Pierce St., Eden, NC.
Rockingham County also invites you to join them the LPRC County Convention – Thursday April 4, 2019 at 6:30pm at Rockingham Community College, Advanced Technology Building, Room 103.
If you are in the area and would like to join, please contact LPRC chair Houston Barrow at (336) 589-7103 or [email protected].
Greetings from Union County, I am the Chair for the Libertarian Party of Union County and I would like to take a moment to report some of the happenings of our affiliate to you. Tom Hohman, our previous Chair, has been nominated to the position of Treasurer. Also, Janet Kidd Grant has recently been nominated to the position of Secretary. I am grateful to be working with these fine people as we continue working to build up the Union County LP.
Our regular meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month from 7:00pm – 9:00pm at The DreamChaser’s Brewery, located in Downtown Waxhaw (115 E North Main St, Waxhaw, NC 28173) Due to scheduling conflicts, our March meeting will be on March 28, 2019. We will have the Libertarian candidate for the Congressional District 9 election, and current Mecklenburg LP Chair, Jeff Scott, as our special guest to provide updates on the CD9 special election.
Please visit and like our Facebook page,
At last count we had 575 active registered Libertarians in Union County. I am working on putting together some volunteer efforts in the near future. If you are interested in getting involved or have some ideas, please email me at [email protected].” Joe Garcia, Union County Chair.
Wake Libertarians are putting into action what they believe, that the proper and most effective way to help for the poor and those in need is through the voluntary effort of private groups and individuals. “Our commitment to contribute to a better society, where everyone is included and cared for, isn’t theoretical,” said David Ulmer, WakeLP Chair. “It requires we all find a way to make a real, positive impact in our neighborhoods and communities.” WakeLP has helped build a house with Habitat for Humanity, served Lunch Boxes of Love at the St. John’s Metropolitan Community Church, delivered bags of groceries to the elderly for the Interfaith Food Shuttle, and served dinner at the Salvation Army Soup Kitchen in Raleigh.
WakeLP recently added the Food Bank of Eastern North Carolinian to their list of projects. This will be a joint undertaking with the Durham/Orange LPNC affiliate.
Wake Libertarians have made a tradition of service to others a cornerstone of their movement while they seek a more peaceful, prosperous and free North Carolina through political engagement. The WakeLP meets every Wednesday at 7 p.m. at Tobacco Road Brewing, 505 W Jones St. Raleigh NC
Help Wanted
The LPNC is searching for an Editor in Chief, Assistant Editor, and Writers for this monthly publication. We’re just getting started so these positions come with a lot of freedom and flexibility. If interested, please contact Brent DeRidder at [email protected] and feel free to attach a resume.
Cold Caller: The LPNC is currently organizing a state-wide phone-bank team to help support campaigns, local affiliates, and important calls to action. Training is provided so no experience is necessary but ideal applicants will have good phone etiquette.
The LPNC always has openings for those looking to get involved. Whether it’s writing, researching, IT, serving on a committee, or staffing an event. Whether you’re a “behind the scenes” type or you want to be front and center. All the opportunities listed here are volunteer positions unless otherwise specified.
If you don’t see anything that appeals to you here, contact us on the web at
Monthly Shakedown
The LPNC is always in need of recurring donations. To make a regular donation, please visit Recurring donations help the LPNC pay bills, fund outreach, assist with campaigns, and so much more. Occasionally, though, we have a specific ask. These are projects that won’t fit in our regular budget or might be of special interest to some members. Below, you’ll find any LPNC efforts that need to be individually funded.
LPNC 2019 Convention – The LPNC 2019 Convention committee is seeking individuals interested in sponsoring speakers, meals, and events. To donate, visit
Cape Fear Libertarians – Libertarians in Southeastern North Carolina are working hard to create a libertarian foothold in the Cape Fear Region but they need your help. Your donations will help provide tabling materials for local outreach as well as virtual advertising. To learn more, contact Brent DeRidder at 910-663-0574 or [email protected].
Mark Your Calendar
April 6th – LPNC Executive Committee in person meeting at 11:00am
April 11th – LPNC Messaging Committee meeting at 6:30pm
LPNC Strategic Planning Committee meeting at 8:00pm
April 18th – LPNC Executive Committee meeting at 8:30pm
LPNC Strategic Planning Committee meeting at 8:00pm
May 31st - June 2nd - 2019 LPNC Convention - Wilmington NC
Join us and welcome Libertarian author and speaker, Mary Ruwart, to the 2019 LPNC Convention AT THE BEACH! We’ll gather on the University of North Carolina Wilmington campus May 31st through June 2nd for a weekend of business, breakout sessions, and fun. Grab your tickets and your flip-flips now before the prices change in April!
Please forward and share this post with 10,000 friends and family and grow our reach as we continue to spread the message of freedom.
LPNC volunteers clean up national park property during federal shutdown
Neither threatening winter weather nor a dutiful park ranger could keep about a dozen LPNC members from gathering on Saturday, January 12 to volunteer trash cleaning efforts at Guilford Courthouse National Military Park in Greensboro.
Like other federal properties, this site of an important 1781 Revolutionary War battle is in the crosshairs of a different conflict: the ongoing government shutdown. LPNC Chair Susan Hogarth explained to local reporters that the group's cleanup work showed the people can maintain public resources without Washington's assistance.
"A big thing for Libertarians is that people will take care of the things that are important to them," Hogarth told Spectrum News. "In fact, we don't think the federal government should be owning park lands or any lands. So as part of that, we'd like to show that it's possible for it to be taken care of without the government doing that job."
Libertarian Candidate Offers Solution to CD9 Dispute
Jeff Scott, the Libertarian candidate in the now disputed race for Congressional District 9, says the way to resolve the issue is to offer immunity to people who can provide evidence of ballot fraud.
"Republicans and Democrats should be interested in such an approach if it would end alleged ballot harvesting," he said.
Republican Mark Harris filed a petition with the Wake Superior Court Jan. 3 asking the court to declare him the winner. Scott said he agrees with the legal arguments Harris made and accused Democrats of orchestrating a circus-like spectacle.
“I think the Democrats, to their credit, are smart enough to know that they can turn this into a huge carnival of shame where everybody is afraid to say anything” at an evidentiary hearing because they don’t know what penalties they might face, Scott said.
“Nobody is going to speak up if they think they’re going to be prosecuted down the line,” Scott said.
Scott was interviewed for an article by Don Way of the Carolina Journal. You can read the full article here.
Coming off the rails
This opinion piece was published in the Herald Sun on December 1, 2018.
On behalf of the citizens and taxpayers of Orange County I urge GoTriangle and the local government agencies to cease wasting time and money on the Durham-Orange Light Rail Transit project.
After millions of dollars planning a critically flawed program, the plan is literally coming off the rails. Splitting downtown Durham up is the final nail in the coffin of this program. The hubris of continuing to assume that any federal funding is going to happen for this project is appalling.
With the limited commercial tax base in Orange County property taxes will end up going through the roof to support the inevitable cost overruns and wildly optimistic planning for what is a vanity project to primarily benefit UNC Hospitals and Duke Medicine along with the property speculators along the DOLRT path. If the rail does not go to the airport it is not a viable option.
End the dream to save us from a nightmare down the road. Duke has already spoken volumes in reference to the lack of foresight on this project. It is time for everyone to come together to say, no more wasted time or effort on this doomed project.
Matthew Clements
Orange County