Congratulations to Jacob Hornberger for finishing first among 15 candidates on the ballot in the Super Tuesday Libertarian Party presidential preference primary.
And congratulations to Anthony Mascolo for his win in the NC State Senate District 8 Libertarian primary.
Super Tuesday!
If you haven’t voted in the North Carolina primary, you can still stop by your polling place in the way home from (or to!) work. If you are registered Libertarian or Unaffiliated you can vote in the Libertarian Party of NC non-binding presidential preference poll. Although we select our final presidential and vice-presidential candidates in Convention in Austin (at no expense to the taxpayers!), the primary is a great chance to show which candidates have captured interest and support within the Libertarian Party.
So, do go vote. But if you have a passion for making the world a better place, let today’s vote be your starting place for deeper involvement.
Join or renew your membership in the state party - you can do that here:
recurring donations are especially welcome in allowing us to budget for outreach, County affiliate growth, and candidate support.
Fair Districts NC Community Forums
Working for a Citizens' Redistricting Commission
by Brian Irving
LPNC Liaison to Fair Districts NC
Fair Districts NC is a statewide campaign by a broad, nonpartisan coalition of groups from across the political spectrum who have come together to promote a sound solution to the problem of partisan redistricting – gerrymandering.
The Libertarian Party of North Carolina is part of this coalition.
They’re working to educate and mobilize North Carolinians to introduce a citizen-led process to draw our electoral districts and end gerrymandering in our state. The goal is redistricting reform by 2021, when the legislature must redraw all Congressional and state legislative districts following the 2020 Census.
The best solution to gerrymandering is a citizens' commission, where voters from both major parties, as well as voters registered independent or with third parties, draw the maps and, ideally, approve them.
In states with citizen commissions, there are more competitive districts, fewer court challenges (and even fewer that succeed), higher voter approval for the legislature, and more cooperation to find solutions that work for everyone.
To define a good commission design for North Carolina, Fair Districts studied 50 bills introduced in legislatures in 15 states – mostly in the South. They identified a reform that can both end extreme gerrymandering and pass the legislature.
Read moreFair Districts NC Resumes Gerrymandering Forums
The Fair Districts NC Coalition is resuming its presentations on gerrymandering in key counties represented by Republican state legislative leaders. The LPNC is part of this coalition. The first event set for Sept. 24 and then a forum every Tuesday and Thursday through the end of the year.
If you’re interested in attending these presentations and speaking on behalf of the Libertarian Party, please contact Brian Irving, the LPNC liaison to Fair Districts NC, at (919) 538-4548 or email [email protected].
“Now that the current NCGA maps have been ruled unconstitutional by the state superior court. teal redistricting reform is a strong possibility” Irving said. “The establishment parties have proven they're not only unable but unwilling to draw district lines fairly. We need to take that power away from them, not give them another chance to abuse it.”
Read more