Voting is the Most Important Activism
OPINION by Brian Irving
“Certainly the game is rigged. Don’t let that stop you;
if you don’t bet, you can’t win.” (Robert Heinlein)
Voting is the highest form of political activism and one of the most important things you can do
as a libertarian activist. Those of us who vote don’t just do it because it makes us “feel good.”
(What’s wrong with that anyway?) Some do it, they joke, in self-defense.
Political Activism and Voting
OPINION By Susan Hogarth
Region 5 Representative to the Libertarian National Committee
For my Libertarian peeps stressing about how best to 'strategize' their vote:
Don't sweat it.
Read moreCovid19 Policy and the Libertarian Party
by Phil Jacobson
The Libertarian Party of North Carolina (LPNC) has gone on record as opposing government mandates regarding “passports” for Covid-19 vaccinations. The LPNC also opposes government mandates regarding the use of masks or other government mandates on this topic. It may seem, therefore, that LPNC opposes the use of these methods. That is by no means the case. It may also seem that libertarians are totally united on these points. That is also not the case.
Read moreWhat Should Government Do During A Pandemic?
by Bruce Basson
The question of what government does to protect our rights during a pandemic is likely to come up again and again as world population increases and pandemics become more common.
Read more