WakeLP: Privatizing the ABC system

Join WakeLP for a special event! John Trump (no relation), author of Still & Barrel: Craft Spirits in the Old North State and managing editor of the Carolina Journal will join us to talk about the history of North Carolina's ABC system and what we can do to privatize it. North Carolina has some of the toughest liquor laws in the country and it's ludicrous that the state has so much control over what establishments can sell, when they can sell it, what you can drink, and when you can drink it!

Learn more about John here:


Buy his book here:


This is going to be a great conversation and we hope you can join us in person. If not, we will be broadcasting the event on Facebook Live.

If your bill comes to $15 or more, Tobacco Road will reimburse you for parking in the Powerhouse Square Parking Deck behind the restaurant. Be sure to bring in your parking receipt!

March 25, 2020 at 7:00pm - 9pm
Tobacco Road Sports Cafe (Tobacco Road Sports Cafe & Brewery Raleigh)
505 W Jones St
Raleigh, NC 27603
United States
Google map and directions

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  • larry johnson
    published this page in Events 2020-02-17 15:32:48 -0500
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