Seay Named NC House 36 Candidate

Steven Seay is the new Libertarian candidate for state House 36 in Wake County. The Wake County Libertarian Party named him to replace Brian Irving, who resigned his candidacy late last month for personal reasons. 

“I am tired of cronyism and those who think they know what's best for the people who are below middle class, the people who live paycheck-to-paycheck” said Seay. “I live, work, and play on the ground level. I know what the people who are marginalized by the actions and policies of the two established parties need and want.”

“Steve Seay has been an advocate for freedom for many years and has graciously agreed to take up the arduous work of being the candidate,” said Bruce Basson, Wake vice chair.

“As a small business owner, musician, and father of four, Steven always has his hands full and now will be working even harder to make a difference in North Carolina. With no lack of talent and work ethic, he was an obvious choice to represent district 36.”

Irving's name will still appear on the ballot. According to election officials, any votes he received will be counted for Seay.

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