Libertarian Alliance Needs Board Members

All board positions on the Libertarian State Leadership Alliance are up for election this year, and the alliance is seeking candidates to fill the positions. The LSLA is organized exclusively for educational purposes, more specifically to coordinate activities and share knowledge among Libertarian Party state chairs and affiliate parties.

 “LSLA is an important organization as it imparts institutional knowledge to the next generation of Libertarian Party leaders and candidates,” said outgoing vice chairman Ken Moellman. 

“I would strongly encourage those that have an interest in continuing the mission of providing leadership and candidate training to Libertarians throughout the country to get involved in LSLA.” 

Only one of the current board members, Leigh LaChine, Alabama state chair, is seeking re-election. 

Currently, leadership roles are open to anyone. They need not be in leadership of a state or of the national party. 

“If there is someone in your state who has the drive to help teach others effectively mechanisms to promote liberty through the Libertarian Party, I would strongly encourage them to get involved in taking on a leadership role within LSLA,” said Moellman.

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