Durham-OrangeLP Meetup

May Meeting of the Durham/Orange County Libertarian Party. Please come enjoy good beer, good food, and help your favorite liberty-minded friends advance the cause of liberty. All Libertarian Party members and curious non-members are welcome, so bring your friends! We will discuss civic engagement opportunities, upcoming events, and have a good time doing it.

Special guest speaker To Be Announced!


May 10, 2016 at 7:30pm - 9:30pm
905 W Main St
Durham, NC 27701
United States
Google map and directions
Matt Clements ·
Barbara Howe Konstantin Podleski Jeremy Hussey Preston W Brian Irving Matthew Clements

Will you come?

Showing 7 reactions

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  • Barbara Howe
    rsvped 2016-05-07 00:02:29 -0400
  • Konstantin Podleski
    rsvped 2016-05-05 00:03:31 -0400
  • Jeremy Hussey
    rsvped 2016-05-03 00:22:28 -0400
  • Preston W
    rsvped 2016-05-02 00:02:01 -0400
  • Brian Irving
    rsvped 2016-05-02 00:02:00 -0400
  • Matthew Clements
    rsvped 2016-05-02 00:01:59 -0400
  • Jason Melehani
    is hosting. 2016-05-01 23:56:20 -0400
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